Yes. It is true. I love animals == and pvc and chicks == I'm a ballet dancer and and I hate humans! efnet #midiwarez

The World in Us: Lesbian and Gay Poetry of the Next Wave. - Review - book review

The World in Us: Lesbian and Gay Poetry of the Next Wave * Edited by Michael Lassell and Elena Georgiou * St. Martin's * $29.95

Some may find a gay poetry anthology unnecessary, annoying even. After all, a poet is a poet. And, as certain celebrities are so fond of saying these days, people shouldn't be categorized by whom they sleep with; in fact, it shouldn't be an issue at all. Yet The World in Us, a wide-ranging and literally breathtaking collection of 46 living gay and lesbian poets' work, proves that while sexual orientation may not determine a uniform identity, it does encompass a wealth of shared experience. Admirably edited by poets Michael Lassell and Elena Georgiou (who both manage to slip in some of their own compositions), the anthology contains a couple hundred poems that vary extensively in tone, voice, and subject. Yet all the selections find common ground in the pain and triumph that come with being marked, marginalized, and often reviled because of sexual orientation.