User:Speednat/To Do/Done/2014/Feb

  • Crested Moa Rework the references.  Done
  • Fix reference to Chambers Biographical Dictionary on Jeppe Aakjær  Done
  • Aare River -- title of article on columbia Viking Encyclopedia  Done
  • Fix Jewish Encyclopedia Reference in Aachen  Done
  • On Altyn-Tagh verify page # of Holdich's book.  Done
  • On Agui add page #'s for journals by Dai.  Done
  • On Amdo add page #'s.  Done
  • Add page #'s to Empirical evidence  Done
  • Add page # to Tanner reference for A-pao-chi  Done
  • Await journal and add Palmquist journals to ILL request A priori and a posteriori  Done
  • Continue reworking Aalen  Done
  • Aalsmeer XX Wait on response on templates  Done