Spartan0206,a player in Plazma Burst 2 (PB2),a proud Task Force 188 Owner. Started off as a scratch guest in the game,decided to make an account called Spartan0206. He later was recruited by a famous clan called GSA. He liked the clan he was recruited in until he was called in for a clan meeting in one of the maps called "Alcatraz". There he heard about his clan hacking and terminating all clans leaving only GSA as the only clan in the game. He warned his friends with other clans especially AGSA. He quit GSA knowing a little information about them but helpful. 3 weeks later,he decided to get recruited on other clans,he didn't want to go as an AGSA Trooper cause he knew that he would get hacked by the GSA since AGSA was the main target of GSA. So he so this little game place called "Team Alpha Recruitment",he decided to take a look at the recruitment. When he went in the game,he later met the clan maker,never_more. He was recruited as a Commander due to his profile rank, his profile rank was "Advanced Marine". He was commanding recruits of his own clan and other smaller ranks in other clans in the GSA War. As soon as the war stopped,he later then made a clan called "Task Force 188". It was a small Task Force clan for elite/impossible missions. Elite players were recruited,most recruits were actually newbies in the time,so Spartan0206 decided to train the newbies to become Elite. Then he was called by a clan called "BoZ" to take down a small GSA base in the server called "USA,Washington" and game name "GSA only for base". He assigned his team through personal messages. His team later moved out only finding themselves fighting 12 GSA clan players. It was hard for him and his team due to the lacking of numbers in his team (NOTE: there were only 4 of them which was including Spartan0206). They were completely surrounded and didn't have much guns since the other GSA troopers took it from them. One soldier was captured named "Jedlouise". Spartan0206 decided it was time for a rescue mission. They used the new portnades made in the game to throw the teleport grenades on the opened roof top. They successfully went in the base and rescued Jedlouise. They captured the base leaving the GSA outside the base. The GSA left the game due to the team's heavy weaponry. 3 months later after the success of the raid in the small GSA base,Task Force 188 has been terminated by the owner,Spartan0206. He sticked with his primary clan,Team Alpha. About 5 months later after the termination of Task Force 188,Spartan0206 heard some news about the GSA having a war against AGSA,he knew that the AGSA force was too weak to go against the GSA. So he later re-established his elite team "Task Force 188". He called off his old troops and recruited newer players. He then told the AGSA what was going to happen between the GSA and AGSA. Spartan0206 wanted to help,so he told Team Alpha,BoZ,Task Force 141,Avengers Clan the news. Then they teamed up with AGSA. That was the event of the second GSA World War. His gaming life is still being continued until now.