Samuel Asefa Fufa, PhD 
   Addis Ababa University
   P.O.Box: 1176,  Addis Ababa               
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     Professor of Mathematics


01September2018- 30 August 2019 Postdoctoral fellowship at University of the Free State, South Africa. 28June 2016-31 December 2016 Postdoctoral Position Department of Mathematics, Universit\"at Marburg (Germany). 1 Sep 2011–9 Jun 2015 PhD in Mathematics (Specialty in Combinatorics and Graph Theory) Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) and Universit\"at Marburg, Germany. 11 Apr 2005–10 Apr 2007 M.SC. in Mathematics (Specialty in Numerical Analysis) Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia). 1 Aug 1997–1 Jun 2001 Bachelor of Education Alemaya University, Alemaya (Ethiopia): Mathematics Major and Physics Minor WORK EXPERIENCE: 9 Jan 2007–Present:  Assistant Professor of Mathematics Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.  University Teaching Professional as a Lecturer at Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).  Member of Department Graduate Committee, and Post Graduate Coordinator  Department of Mathematics Education evaluation committee head.  Mathematics students' advising: both PhD and MSC students. • 12 Nov 2006–10 Oct 2007 Head of Record and Documentation Office for Centre for Distance Education (CDE) Rift Valley University, Adama (Ethiopia). Instructor for Mathematics Courses: Basic Mathematics I, II &III, Calculus-I, Introduction to statistics& Applied mathematics.  Head of Record and Documentation Office for Center for Distance Education (CDE).  Member of Different Committees:  Member of CDE Edition of Mathematics Courses.  Member of Academic Affairs Committee of CDE.  Reorganizing activities in the production. • 10 Nov 2003–10 Sep 2004  College Teaching Professional Adama Teachers College, Adama (Ethiopia).  Stream advisor for students.  Lecturer for the Mathematics Courses: Freshman Mathematics (Math101), Quantitative Method I (Math.103), Fundamental Concept of algebra, Linear Algebra, Introduction to Statistics, Subject Area Methods in Mathematics & Practicum.  Member of Different Committees:  Member of Department Curriculum Review Committee.  Member of College Teaching Material /module preparation.  Secretary of Adama College Mathematics Department. • 1 Jun 2001–8 Oct 2002  Secondary Education Teaching Professional Oromiya Education Breau, Mendi (Ethiopia)  Teaching Preparatory& Grade 12 of old curriculum.


• Mother tongue: Afan Oromo • Other languages: Amharic and English as an Independent user. • Communication skills: I assure you that I am a sociable, perseverance and capable person who can easily accommodate myself to any working condition and environment I am subjected to. Through my teaching experience I became very knowledgeable in my area of specialization and very coherent in describing the subject. I presented a high quality PhD dissertation for which all the examiners anonymously agreed to rate me as an excellent as it is evident from my student copy. • Organizational / Managerial skills:  Good managerial experience gained from class room management and different involvement of social activities through community service philosophy of Addis Ababa University.

'''Job-related skills:'''


 Local organizing committee of Fourth Network Meeting for Sida- and ISP-funded PhD Students and Postdocs in Mathematics under the theme: Strengthening Research and Postgraduate Training in Mathematics in Universities in Africa from 5th to 9th August 2019. (  5th Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics Summer School (AEC) (from July 29- August 02, 2019), held at RISC Hagenberg, Austria. ( )  Workshop on Hot Topics: Shape and Structure of Materials organized by Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) from October 01, 2018 - October 05, 2018. ( )  The Combinatorics 2018 conference organized by the research groups of the Universities of Brescia (Catholic and State Universities), Padova, and Verona and took place from June 3 to 9, 2018 in Arco, Province of Trento, Italy. Paper presented. ( )  National Conference on “Mathematics for The Advancement of Science and Technology” (May 24 – 25, 2018), at ADDIS ABABA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY, Ethiopia. (…/)  Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics Scientific Programme (October 16 - November 24, 2017) at the Research Center Erwin Schrodinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics(ESI) of Vienna University, Austria. Participation. ( )  Extremal Combinatorics (18-22 September 2017) held at Warwick University, UK. Paper Presented. (  Winter School Geometry, Algebra and Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces and Configurations Dobbiaco (Toblach), February 19-25, 2017 ( )  Combinatorics 2016 conference was organized by the research group of the University of Basilicata and took place from 29th May to 4th June 2016 in Maratea, Province of Potenza, Italy. Paper presented. ( )  Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics Summer School (AEC)(from July 27- 1, 2015), held at Hagenberg, Austria. Poster Presentation.  Discrete, Computational, and Algebraic Topology (Nov10-14, 2014) Conference at University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Poster Presentation. ( )  Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics Summer School (AEC) (from August 18-22, 2014), held at Hagenberg, Austria. Poster Presentation. ( or or  Phd Student Visiting fellowship to Phillips University, Marburg (Germany) form (2012-2013), the source of fund is Addis Ababa university and DAAD fellowship. (  70th Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, Germany.  ICTP-IPM Workshop and Conference in Combinatorics and Graph Theory from 3-14 September 2012, Trieste, Italy. Contributed Talk. (  Summer School on Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics held from o1- 13 July, 2012. Guimaraes ,Portugal. ( )  3rd International workshop on symmetries of graphs and networks, and PhD summer school in Discrete Mathematics held from June 24-June 30, 2012,Rogla, Slovenia. ( )  Discrete Math Summer School and Sygn III (  Conference on Complex Analysis and Partial Differential Equations held from 15-19 June 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  Participated in the EMS-CDC workshop on “Finding Online Information in Mathematics", Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  Training on basic Computer skills and C++, NOBLE NET COMPUTER SOLUTION, April06,2006, Adama, Ethiopia.


• DAAD In-Region Postdoctoral fellowship at University of the Free state, South Africa. (01September, 2018- 30 August 2019) • EMS-Simons for Africa, for a Collaborative research visit grant. • DAAD Postdoctoral fellowship at University of Marburg, Germany. (28June- 31 December 2016) • DAAD Phd student Visiting fellowship from November 01,2012-April 30, 2013 and December 01,203- May 30, 2014 Phillips University, Marburg (Germany). • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (In-Region Scholarship for four years), Phd program. • African Mathematics Millennium Science Initiative(AMMSI) 2012-Postgraduate Scholarship Award. • Addis Ababa University Post Graduate Study Scholarship, Addis Ababa University, 2005 – 2007.


• Mesfin Masre, Samuel Asefa Fufa and Tomas Vetrik (2020). Distance-Based Indices of Complete m-Ary Trees. Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, 12 (0 4): 2050041. (doi: 10.1142/S179383092050041X). • Samuel Asefa Fufa and Mesfin Masre (2019). Distance Based Indices of Generalized Transformation Graphs. SINET: Ethiop. J. Sci., 42(1):40–45. ( • Fufa, S.A., & Abebe Gebeyehu, A. (2019). Shellability of Pointed Integer Partition. Acta Mechanica Slov, 23(2), 6-19. doi: 10.21496/ams.2019.015. • Samuel Asefa Fufa and Fikre Bogale Petros (2018). A REVIEW OF ENUMERATION METHODS ON INTEGER PARTITION. SINET: Ethiop. J. Sci., 41(1):40–45. ( • Fufa, S.A. & Zeleke, M (2018). On Mobius Function of Pointed Graded Lattice. Indian J Pure Appl Math 49: 51. • On Poset Topology of Pointed Integer Partitions and Pointed Ordered Set Partitions (Submitted for publication) and Presented on International Conference. ( email=0&ida=a11187) • Topology of Ordered and Unordered Vector Space Partitions (Ready for Submission and Presented on an International Conference.)( • Exponential Pointed Structures (Ready for publication and Presented on an International Conference). ( or • Numerical solutions by single and multi-steps Methods, (MSc. Project). • A teaching material prepared for the courses: Basic Mathematics II (Math112), Algebra(Math211), Introduction to calculus (Math212). • Text book preparation for grade 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Ethiopian school in Afan Oromo (one of the regional language) which is on work starting the year 2012 for which I was the main author for grade7 & 6 and Co-author for the rest.  ( or  or 


PhD study MSc study

Consultancy Interest Area: • Need analysis in areas related to education. • Mathematics Text book and Teaching material preparations for all grade levels both in Afan Oromo and English Language. • Exam Preparation:  Assessment Related:  I have already developed assessments for learning field test administration guide: Field tests II, and IV consisting of assessment guide, selected questions, scouring guide, recording and interpretation in Afan Oromo.