
Vector infinitesimal of photon released Whatever the topological spaces which can exist that define (General topology ,Discrete space ,Algebraic topology ,Induced topology , Coarse topology ,Topological vector space , and essentially Initial topology and Final topology ..) The temporal space is a topologic space based on an infinitesimal Vector Vnpr (nuclear vector of photon released).

This new theory allows us to free ourselves from the paradox of the Photon of zero mass of which it is impossible to find such a frame of reference ,whose energy can be easly determined according to a Vector Eph (energy propaged by released photon) instead of the confusion with E=mc² and E= pc case of photon which can never be a particle. Against, the wave vector Vnpr can transport any kind of particles as (Quark ,Gluon , Hadron and Boson ..) according to the frequency and lengh of wave through the infinitesimal Vnpr vector as described by Dr.Richard feynman in Volume I , mainly mechanics, radiation , and heat : this "p" is momentum, is a VECTOR!AglDSdZdofJ2gVzxXwmnr1-utu1h

Application For further knowledge of the importance OF INFINITESIMAL Vnpr Vector in quantum computing please see : 06/04/2021