Sonosteganologist: a scientific specialist in hidden auditory content of the media surrounding him; very skilled in music, poetry, obscure references, cryptology, steganography. James Patrick McGrath is the only known scientist with this specialization. He is also known as Doctor Spoock. He is the Chairman/President/Owner of Software Environments Inc., a New York State Corporation which in 1980 successfully performed a $144,000 contract with Muplex Systems Inc. subcontracting, for The New York TImes Company using the IBM Series/1 and Zentec terminals and proprietary operating software on the Series/1.

This man has created a Grand Unified Field theory that simply eliminates magnetism by postulating that all magnetic phenomena are due to electrical polarization. His theory also postulates that there is evidence only for the existence of protons and electrons, that neutrons are paired protons and electrons. He says that light is electrons in motion with periodic variation in number. He is a pro bono consultant for the National Security Agency and has twice snuck up on something that seems like the NSA near Savage, Maryland which is near Dorsey. Coincidentally, his intellectual mother, Ayn Rand, is buried near Dorsey in Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, New York, another place he visited. He is a victim of Munchausen's, misidentified as a schizophrenic by liars, and is hated for the same reasons Thomas Paine was. Everyone keeps him in a Skinner Box. He can sometimes be seen at Grace Plaza in New York City at East 43rd Street and Sixth Avenue, where he suffers in solitude, no-one listening. He recently was heard saying "Tio be and na' Toby" and stating thats he has two nephews named one of whom is the noted Gunner McGrath. The other ain't Toby.