My Heart and Mind had a discussion one day, About a man that they both knew quite well. The heated discussion continued for hours, Both with arguments meant to compel.

A debate ensued between the two, With each taking a different perspective. The Heart believed the man to be true, And the Mind thought he was deceptive.

Heart started the discussion with an obvious point, "He is sweet and gentle like no man before." Mind responded smugly, "That's great in the moment but how does he act after she's walked out the door?"

Heart countered, already knowing the point being made. "Sure, he may not be able to write or call; He is busy with constant demands of his time. What he feels in his heart matters most of all."

"I disagree," and Mind continued to say, "Actions mean far more than words alone. It is when words and actions are considered together that a man's true feelings are shown."

"He has to compartmentalize to get through the day." Heart continued to defend his intentions, When they are together his feelings are real, but her insecurities span many dimensions."

"It's funny you would mention compartmentalizing. Apparently your memory isn't as sharp as mine, He was once quoted as saying this was not his strength, proof that his statements don't always align."

"You are cynical, suspicious and guarded." Heart was clearly tired of this dispute, "Those traits are clouding your judgement. He is genuine and telling the truth."

"I think you are overlooking the obvious, since the heart doesn't have the clarity of the mind, but I'll relax and stop doubting his intentions if he makes an effort to send a simple sign."

Heart and Mind both wanting to prove their point and have the bragging rights of superiority. Mind sure that the man would disappoint her; Heart confident in his genuine sincerity.

Both waited patiently for some type of gesture, Something to demonstrate that he really does care. Heart began to worry and whispered to herself, "Stay calm and trust that it's not just another affair."

Patience prevailed and an email arrived, just as Heart had hoped and prayed. Mind, although disappointed by being proved wrong, was relieved and no longer afraid.

Trust and calm filled her spirit when thinking of him, but it was both that won in the end. Maybe they were more than temporary lovers and could also be permanent friends.