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Wikimedia Foundation
Wikimedia Foundation
User boxes
This user is a member of Wikipedians against censorship.
1,500+This user has made more than 1,500 contributions to Wikipedia.
prog-3This user is an advanced programmer.
c++-3This user is an advanced C++ programmer.
c#-2This user is an intermediate C# programmer.
css-4This user is an expert Cascading Style Sheets user.
xhtml-4This user is an expert XHTML user.

Welcome edit

Hey everyone! I'm an engineering student from Denmark on my first year. I'm an active contributor to both the English and the Danish Wikipedia.

Currently I'm working on the WikiProject Missing Encyclopedic articles especially the science topics. I'm also contributing to articles about Denmark.

You should also visit my homepage

Wikiproject roller coasters edit

Visit my subpage for more information or go to the wikiproject page

Tip of the day edit

Tip of the day...
When is a Wikipedia project a WikiProject?

The term "WikiProject" is used for projects created for the purpose of managing a specific family of information within Wikipedia. For example, Wikipedia:WikiProject Economics organises articles related to Economics, including economic terms, theories, and economists.

A WikiProject is a resource to help coordinate and organize article writing. Its attached talk page is a convenient forum for those interested in a particular project. WikiProjects can also have associated Portals.

Some projects, like the Tip of the day project, coordinate internal Wikipedia processes rather than article content directly (though not all of these use the term "WikiProject").

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