•Smart M. A. Chongo (Born July 11, 1983) Is a Nigerian. A Christian, a worship leader and minister of God. •Early life: Born in Awe Local Government of the now Nasarawa State of Nigeria. He is Tiv by tribe, held from Vandeikya Local Government of Benue State, Nigeria. He is the last born of Rtd. Very Reverend & Pst. Mrs. Stephen Teru'un Chongo of the Evangelical Reformed Church Of Christ (ERCC). He grew up under his God-fearing parents who were more into rural ministry. He would always follow them (Learning ministry)to wherever the ministry work took them. Places such as: Lafia (Now the State capital of Nasarawa), Kadarko, Awe, Adudu, Kanje,Burum Burum, Azara, Obi.Just to mention but few. He discovered his gift as a song writer and a singer at the age of twelve (12) as he would write, compose and lead songs with his siblings as back-ups in a group he called "THE AMBASSADORS OF CHRIST SINGERS" Later, it evolved to "RIVERS OF JOY SINGERS" and later to "SANCTUARY MINISTERS" (The name kept changing as his parent were being transferred. Until the year 2002 when he finally left his parents to Lafia.

•Ministry: Smart started his Worship Ministry in Lafia,(Here, Smart went through music training by Rev. Johnny Gospel a renown gospel musician in the State). In 2005 the ministry grew to sixteen (16) member choristers. In the same year the ministry staged a mega concert in the city TAGGED: "IN THE DAY OF HIS POWER". During which Smart choose to call the Ministry SMARTHOUSE WORSHIP MINISTRIES.A.K.A SHABACH CREW.(Worship is our lifestyle). In the same year God defined his Ministry and gave him the mandate. Which is:

VISION: To lead God's people into His manifest presence as He will in-turn meet their needs via the corporate worship they offer in His sanctuary. Rev.7:15-17

MISSION: To teach and raise Christians who will continually, in Spirit and in truth. John4:23, Psalm.34:1.

AIMS & OBJECTIVES: To teach and raise true worshipers. To bring God's dwelling among men. To give man the mantle of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Preparing the Church for the eternal function-WORSHIP. Preparing the highway for our soon coming king. To build the throne of righteousness in the hearts of men. Making Worship a lifestyle of Christians.

"Heave and earth shall pass away but songs of worship shall crown that day. A new heaven and earth shall be created and the songs of worship shall hail their birth. We as Christians let's begin to lift up worship as it is the crown of that day even as the day draws nigh".

OTHER ARMS OF THE MINISTRY. Smarthouse Christian Magazine (SCM) Smarthouse Music Institute (SMI) Smarthouse Help Outreach (SHOUT)

Parent category/categories: • Category:Basic Information Smart M. A. Chongo (talk) 01:47, 28 October 2010 (UTC)
