Keep your pockets free of lint, that useful things may find their place.

Avoid mixing keys with delicate items. When possible, use the same pocket for a given tool or set of tools over time; best of all, have a pocket designed for said tool or set. Learn from this principle how to organize knowledge at different scales and sizes.



Pocket sizes: shirt (2.5x4?), pants (3.5x7?), jacket-outer (4x5), jacket-inner (3x5), jacket-outer-top (2.5x3)

Bag/purse sizes : handbag (3x6), lg purse (6x9), satchel (9x11), briefcase (9x14)

The Pocket Guide to All Knowledge is a handy reference work suitable for most pockets.

some traditional layered cost/ppl evaluations - (unsure about the last part)
plant: # | stak/properties/desc | branch fct | cost | strange key...

1.  5-8: 4+k, 5% + m.ed, 50++h, frequent t'basing. 6-8 ea.  (.1[-2], av.50K, .3M/1.5) 
2. ~ 50: .8k, .1% + a.ed, 15+h, networking.        5-9 ea.  (.1[-2], heavy mod by 3P spotc'ks, av.20K, 1M/4)
3. ~300: KP + sbj.ed, av.10h, expce(best 4s).      5-9 ea.  (.1[-1 + -2], mod by % correxns, av.10K, 3M/10)
4. ~ 2k: KP + sbj.ex w/2+ oths, av.10+h, expse.    5-20 ea. (.2[-1], mod by % acc'cy, av.4K, 8M/22)
5. ~10k: KP + sbj/gen list'g, 2-30h + >5C tats + mbio, output. 10-200 ent's ea.  (sbj. sharing, av. 1K, 11M/19)
6. ~.1M: KP + comm awrds (<10% break thresh), known useful ed.  1-20  ent's ea. (av.1C,  5% neg.x3, 4M free + 5M)
7. ~ 1M: mKP + comm nex'n/joy, <10% later known. anon ed.       1-20  ent's ea. (av.1D, 30% neg.x1, 4M free + .2M)
D. ~  5: 4+k, 60++h

KPc: 1kppm? 1k=1, 3k=4.5, 10k=2D, 30k=9D, .1M=4C 
1m : 90+27M(62 ingear) ~ 130.
0a : draft 7l e/d  [:100]
1a : init 1+l e / 17l d+(atl, &c) [:1.5M]
2a : 17l e / 85l d+ [:3?M]