I had done some reading and research on Buddhism. The 6 coloured Buddhist flag, first hoisted in 1885 in Sri Lanka, is a symbol of faith and peace used throughout the world to represent the Buddhist faith.

The original concept of Buddhist Flag was first conceived in the minds of the members of Colombo Buddhist Committee, some 75 years before the WFB Meeting. And the proposed flag was for the first time ceremoniously hoisted at a Colombo temple call Dipaduttamaramaya by Ven. Migettuwatte Gunananda - the well known debater on Vesak Day, 28 April. 1885.

The six colors are better interpreted as : 1. Blue: signifying the concept of loving kindness and peace in Buddhism 2. Yellow: signifying the Middle Path, that is, the complete absence of form and emptiness 3. Red: signifying achievement, wisdom, virtue, fortune and dignity. 4. White: signifying purity, emancipation, that the Dharma will always exist regardless of time or space. 5. *Orange: The essence of Buddhism which is full of wisdom, strength and dignity. 6. The combination of these five colors symbolizes that it is the one and only Truth

  • Orange replace Light Pink in Burmese Sasana Flag

Sidney (Siri) See www.sidneysee.com Singapore