Shreyas.s karmaran was born on (11-october-2000) in Dubai. He had dynamic animation mind when he was 13 year old. He wanted to join animation school but he had obstacles to cross.

His mother Bhagyalakshmi.D took him to animasiain bangalorehe was interviewed by Prasad. Prasad felt that his animative thinking skills are creative and Shreyas had given a take by Prasad that was to some changes in the story and Shreyas successfully completed in 3 months, the story was of a channel show that is ROLL NO. 21, he gave a dynamic idea which was not implemented in whole animation history, after implementing he was called by many animation channels but he refused due to his education


• Created a music tune for 5 episode series with his friend Ajay

• Supports for all creative activities

• With the support of his friends he created a 2 demon caractor

• He's been a YouTuber

• Good Photography and camera mind

• Logo designer


• Awarded for creative logo design

• Animation evolutionary