God Wants You To: 'Live Your Life By Design, Not From Crisis To Crisis'

CORE Counseling (Conscious, Ownership, Retrieve, Release, Engage)

In the very image of God The Creator man was made. Like God, man is a trinal composition: spiritual, physical, and emotional. Within this triune, there are ‘parts’ that work cooperatively to take him to his destiny. An imbalance of these parts due to circumstances such as childhood trauma for example, can cause distortion of one or all three parts of the triune and can lead to spiritual, physical, and emotional disorders. In fact, all disorders of any kind are due to damaged parts that have caused a change in the course of one’s destiny. For example, it is not the will of God for man to be sick, yet illness occurs. The cause of illness is not physical. It emanates from a spiritual, emotional, or mental deficiency, possibly all three. The body’s condition is the physical expression of the state of the triune.

Physical – the state of which is due to man’s relationship with himself in the form of the spirit and mind. The body responds to the command or stimuli of the mind and emotions, and their state is a result of the impact of the spirit.

Spiritual – the relationship between man’s soul and God. It’s state can be in disorder, disarray or optimally, in alignment with destiny. A man’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction with life, his relationships and health, reflect his relationship with God and his alignment with destiny. The spirit effects parts that comprise the total man. It is our Divine nature.

Emotional/Mental – emotions are deposited into the body, resulting in illness, i.e., disorders and dis-ease. This is a reflection of the power of the mind. It is the center of creativity. It is here that we create our reality...

CORE Counseling reaches the depths of man. It goes deep into the unconscious where healing begins. It is most effective for those willing to explore their many parts. This can lead to delightful discoveries. With the help of the CORE Counselor, one can learn to reconstruct his life, change it’s course, and realign himself with the path of destiny. CORE empowers one to live life as he was meant to, co-creatively with the Creator...

CORE is unlike conventional methods of counseling. It is liberating. Treatment lasts a shorter period of time because the root causes of the client’s condition are identified and addressed in early sessions. It is unheard of for a CORE client to require treatment for a protracted period of time. CORE is designed to equip the client to avoid crisis as an instrument of change and utilize ‘choice’ instead. The choice of course, is to live life more 'elegantly’ that is, more easily, thus, in alignment with the soul. This frees one from the path of dis-ease to one of ease, which can mean spiritual harmony, happiness, peace, good health, and prosperity.

CORE enables the client to cope with the so-called realities of life with confidence by reducing them to their true form – illusion. True reality does not exist in the conscious and therefore it is ineffectual to appeal to the conscious mind, using the five physical senses of sight, taste, smell, hearing and touch, as a vantage point of healing.

Reality is of the unconscious mind, the templates of which are stored in the subconscious mind. It is here that the work essential to true autonomy and co-creation with the Creator occurs. It is the work here that establishes man as a creature not doomed to a life lived from crisis to crisis, but one lived by design, using the power, talents, and gifts that help man to make the ‘choice’ to co-create his life and redefine if need be, his destiny.

CORE is a holistic approach to sound mental, emotional, and physical health.

CORE is a healing modality that is synoptically effective, impacting the 'whole' person.

Finally, CORE is:

CONSCIOUS - awakening to oneself

OWNERSHIP - taking responsibilty for one's life

RETRIEVE - recovering one's hidden parts

RELEASE - releasing weights

ENGAGE - engaging one's healthy parts;wholeness

It is important that man recognizes the significance of his participation in the human experience. Ergo, it is imperative that he have a better understanding of life’s journey. It is very much like taking a trip. But, most of us don’t prepare, plan or design a blueprint for life as we would for a vacation or getaway. We have a tendency to believe that life just happens to us. By denying the autonomy that accompanies the gift of life, we avoid taking responsibility for how we handle its’ bumps, forks, and detours as we would plans gone awry on a summer vacation. Thus, the outcome of these variables which constitute challenge, is viewed as the onus of something or someone in the great beyond and not us.

      • The CORE Counselor guides the client to self-awareness through discovery of his 'Life Kit', which consists of preordained powers, gifts, and talents. The kit is designed to get him through life, but the key is if and how he uses it. Note the parable in the bible about the man who gave talents to his servants in unequal proportion and all used and increased them except for the servant who had the least. The servants that increased their talents were blessed with more and the one with the least ‘buried’ his and lost the one talent that he was given altogether. The bumps, forks, and detours are for the most part beyond ‘conscious’ control. They are however, established from an unconscious perspective, challenging us to use our preordained powers, talents, and gifts. We are indeed equipped for life. It is up to us to use what we are given - our Life Kit. We have the God-given capability to meet each challenge. It is up to us however, to hone, utilize, and apply them to appropriate experiences, garnering the most expediency and cognitive content.

The CORE Counselor guides the client to the realization that ‘he is not a human-being having a spiritual experience, but a spirit-being mastering the human experience’... We create or allow the circumstances of our reality. Fortunately, we can change it. There are many courses to take in life, and we can maneuver the turns and twists until we get to our place of destiny.

We are indeed ‘spirit-beings mastering the human experience’. We inherited The Spirit of our Creator. It is the energy of life. Therefore,(the) Spirit isn’t something set apart from us. It’s inside us. It surrounds us. It’s the energy moving through the trees, mountains, rivers, and other people. When we accept that this energy is moving through us, we understand that we are, by nature, connected and part of the whole.

When we stop fighting our spiritual nature and surrender to it, we open the floodgates and allow more energy to flow through us; we become empowered. We are given the strength to do what we couldn’t before. As we let go, we are given the strength to more easily and effortlessly express our true, unique selves.

The more willing you are to surrender to the energy within you, the more power can flow through you...Shakti Gawain

CORE work can bring the client to positive, life-changing resolutions through a series of techniques,including meditations, interrogatives and affirmations, i.e.: I willingly surrender to the energy moving inside me. CORE's objective is alignment of the components of the whole person, thus, alignment of the soul, resulting in true, to the core healing that places one on the course for which he was destined...



Dr. Shirley Faye McDougald is a native of Philadelphia, PA. Her keen interest in behavioral science was expressed in adolescence, eventuating in the decision to study Criminal Justice for her undergraduate studies. Dr. McDougald is an alumnus of both The Pennsylvania State University and Pennsylvania State Police Academy.

In her endeavor to further study human behavior, she went on to earn a Doctorate degree in CORE Counseling and Education at Elfinstone College, in Rockport, MA., and certification as a Holistic Health Practitioner. She later earned certification as a Grief Recovery Specialist from the Grief Recovery Institute of Sherman Oaks,CA. In continuing her quest to proficiently minister to spiritual, emotional, and physical ills, Dr. McDougald is continuing her education at Palmer Seminary, in Wynnewood, PA., where she is studying for a degree in Theological Studies.

Dr. McDougald is also a certified 2nd degree Reiki Practitioner. Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive, hands-on healing technique that accelerates the body’s natural ability to heal through alignment of Mind, Body and Spirit. It can work effectively with CORE in certain treatments (i.e., pain mgmt., Women's Hlth issues).

She is a member of the American Society of Alternative Therapists (ASAT), the American Association Of Christian Counselors (AACC), the Black American Association of Christian Counselors (BAACC), the Society for Christian Psychology (SCP), the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT), and the International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP).

Dr. McDougald now resides in Bergenfield, NJ, and practices in the North Jersey / New York metropolitan area. As a counselor and educator, she also conducts workshops and lectures on ‘Grief Counseling’, ‘The Emotional Aspects of Women’s Health’, and ‘Enneagrams’ (personality identification).

== AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION == CORE is a true 'healing' modality that is effective for innumerable conditions. However, this particular practice specializes in:

CORE Counseling Grief Recovery Counseling Women's Health Issues Enneagram Counseling (personality identification) Addictions Counseling Pain Management Counseling

Dr. McDougald is also a certified Reiki II practitioner. Reiki is powerful when used in conjunction with CORE, and is also effective when used singularly for physical and mental amelioration.