Shinegreymon was born 28 years ago, and owns a lot of video games and Transformers and other toys, is taking karate and is a green belt, also he has plastic and metal swords, a pair of metal sais, foam nunchunks, and a six-foot bo(uses the bo only), watches anime and animal planet, and dislikes going to hospitals, due to a fear of needles, and was taught how to use computers by Sandy Thompson. I had aides to help me during school, Vicky sword, Sandy Thompson, and Rita "Yates" Causey, and Optical therapy and Speech therapy, l became a voter two years ago, but who l voted for remains known only to me.

CUV This user is dedicated to
cleaning up vandalism.
' This user believes it is every citizen's duty to vote.

This user contributes using Firefox.
USThis user uses American English.
♂This user is male.


Christian cross This user is saved!
This user is a Transformers fan.