Shawn Buige, an autobiography, as of 4/1/2013. My name is Shawn Buige. I was born in February of 1966. My father is of 100% Italian descent, and my mother is a mix of Irish, English, and a little of everything else. I was born in Alexandria, Virginia. I lived the first few years of my life in Pennsylvania and briefly in Ohio. I later lived very briefly with my parents in the Phillipines. I had my first dog, as a child in the Phillipines, and it disappeared. I was told there was a good chance the locals had taken the dog to eat it. My parents settled in Woodbridge, Virginia, on a street in front of Woodbridge Senior High School. We had a 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath split foyer home on a nice lot. It was a DC suburb, and that worked well for my father, an auditor with the US government. My parents raised 4 kids in that home, expanding into the basement with their master bedroom. We all pitched in, over time adding a fence, a storage building, new roof, and a large deck that rivaled the ark. I went to Woodbridge Highschool, pulling down mediocre grades. I had a great time, made wonderful friends, and was blessed to be able to 'find myself' before heading off to college. I dabbled in sports, but didn't hang out with any click. When I went to highschool, most people were in more than one 'group'. While in Highschool, I had a paper route and worked as a telemarketer and, later, also in new home construction. I went to Virginia Tech and had far too good of a time the first two years. After getting threatened by the school that I would be kicked out unless I brought my grades up, I straightened out and got great grades, in major. After graduating, I started working for CBC corp, in Richmond, Va, as a telemarketing sales manager. I had worked for the company as a telemarketer in High School. I revamped the training, hiring and payscale and led an awesome team of telemarketers to break every record the company had. CBC had promised a branch of my own, and Charlotte, NC was on the table as a possibility. When the time for that opportunity to materialize came and went, I opened my own telemarketing company in Dale City, Va, with a supervisor from another branch. I met my college sweetheart - Sharon - at Va Tech, and we were married and landed in Charlotte NC where she took a job as a chemical engineer and I opened a telemarketing firm. The telemarketing company did very well, until I made the mistake of hiring a highschool friend to run the operations, and it promptly got run into the ground. This was a turning point for me. I had always been successful at making money, and my identity was tied up in my business. I was distraught and I filed for personal bankruptcy. That was 1993. I received my real estate license in 1993 and went full time in early 1994. Loved the business, and grew it quickly through the early 2000's. I had my first child in 1995 - a girl - and then another girl in 1998 and a boy in 2000. My kids are all smart, gorgeous, fun, and saved. I am an incredibly blessed man. In the early 2000's, I started working with investors doing completely out of the box type of investing. We specialized in deed flips, purchasing deeds to property that were going into foreclosure. We would target property with very low debt and re-sell the deed to investors. The investors could then turn around and redeem the property, paying off the debt and owning the property free and clear. The investor got to avoid the foreclosure and bidding process, and buy the property for far less, and we made on average $20,000. During one of the deed flips, we ended up getting stuck with the deed, and it foreclosed. The property sold for $30K more than the debt against it. So we asked the clerk where the $30K went. Turned out, that money, after paying off any outstanding debt against the property, went to the last owner prior to the sale (the last deed holder). That was us! So we asked for the list of surplus funds accounts being held, and they gave it to us! At that point, we began pulling surplus funds out of the court, working with claimants. We took it a step further and started selling an ebook online that showed other people how to do that. We began funding buyouts of the monies held, and grew quickly to over 30 states. Along the way, we figured out how to profit after the foreclosure in states that had post-foreclosure redemption periods. We also learned how to pull monies out of the bankruptcy court and how to retrieve unclaimed inheritance monies. Today, I run a small army of independent contractors that I enjoy working with. I've made a lot of mistakes along the way - personally and professionally - but I've been blessed to have been able to learn from them. And I work with a great crew. I thank God for the people in my life every day. We continue to work on new and innovative techniques for retrieval. If you're interested, you can check out the site at surplus funds riches dot com, all one word.