




Oliver falls victim to a toxic attack during a ball. Tess wants Lois to investigate who is to blame for Oliver's intoxication.

Flashbacks show how Oliver learned to survive on an island all by himself. He was training his aiming and shooting skills. Then he suddenly becomes unconscious when he touches a flower. In the next scene, taking place in the past on an island, Tess Mercer tries to cure Oliver, when he awakes he learns that Tess and her friend were kidnapped and are held in captivity. Tess wants to convince Oliver to flee from their kidnappers, when they suddenly stand behind them and threaten. They say that they know that Oliver Queen is a rich heir.

Back in the present Clark asks Tess for help to save Oliver's life, because he doesn't have any time left. Tess replies that the Luthorcorp lab has been relocated to Brazil and is no help in finding an antidote for Oliver's poison. One of the kidnappers of the island threatens Tess with a knife and demands revenge for their escape and that he has been left over on the island to die.

Davis Bloom discovers Chloe's archives and is surprised that she is not studying journalism.

Oliver confesses to Clark that he has survived for 2 years on an island all by himself, before being poisoned and captured.

Tess scratches a poisoned wound with a rose in the hand of the man who threatened her when he gets into a taxi, that is supposed to bring him to the airport. Tess says this is the way how it is supposed to be.