User:Scintillant/sandbox/Pello Salaburu

Pello Salaburu Etxeberria
Occupation(s)Writer, linguist, and university professor
Board member ofRoyal Academy of the Basque Language
Academic background
Doctoral advisorKoldo Mitxelena
Academic work
DisciplineBasque linguistics
InstitutionsUniversity of the Basque Country

Pello Salaburu Etxeberria (born July 3, 1951) is a Spanish linguist and writer. He studied sociology at the University of Deusto, and later undertook the study of Basque philology at the same institution. He continued his studies at the University of New Mexico, Cornell University, and MIT. He presented his doctoral thesis at the University of the Basque Country under the direction of Koldo Mitxelena. He is a professor of Basque Philology and was a rector of the University of the Basque Country from 1996 to 2000. He is a member of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language (Euskaltzaindia), where he coordinates work on the unified dictionary and chairs the commission of grammar.

He also belongs to the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, and to the Advisory Board of the Center for Basque Studies (CBS) of the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR). He is the president of the KLASIKOAK society, which has published more than a hundred Basque translations of works of classic literature. He is a coeditor of the series Basque Classics, of UNR. He is also a member of the Club of Rome, the [Royal Basque Society of Friends of the Country], belongs to the advisory council of the UNESCO chair of university management and politics of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, and is a member of the advisory council of the Basque Langauge of the Basque government.



Works in Basque linguistics

  • Critical edition of Joan Errea's work Aita deitzen zen gizona (A man called aita) (2016)
  • Writing Words: The Unique Case of Standardization in Basque (2015)
  • Baztango mintzoa: gramatika eta hiztegia (2005)
  • Hizkuntz teoria eta Baztango euskalkia: fonetika eta fonologia. Arau fonologikoak (1984)
  • Hizkuntz teoria eta Baztango euskalkia: fonetika eta fonologia. Hizkuntzaren soinu-egitura (1984)
  • Ikaslearen esku-gramatika (1981)
  • Baztango euskalkiaz (1980)

Essays in Basque

  • Errateko nituenak: Cuzkoko kronika (2014)
  • Euskararen etxea (2002)
  • XX. Mendearen argi-itzalak (2001)
  • Euskara hobean hobe (1984)

Coauthored works in Basque linguistics


Salaburu has authored more than twenty books in collaboration with other specialists. In particular, the seven volumes of Euskal Grammatika: Lehen Urratsak (EGLU), published by the Royal Academy of the Basque Language between 1985 and 2011; Espezialitateko Hizkerak eta Terminologia II (Euskara estandarra eta espezialitate hizkerak), 2008, Bilbo; and books such as Of Minds an Language. A dialog with Noam Chomsky in the Basque Country, 2009, Oxford University Press (editors: Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini, Juan Uriagereka, Pello Salaburu); Euskal Gramatika Laburra: Perpaus Bakuna, 1993, and Sintaxi teoria eta euskara, 1989. He is also a coauthor of the online Basque language dictionary Hiztegi Batua Euskal Prosan, 2008, UPV/EHU, and various linguistic corpora: Hizkuntzen Arteko Corpusa (HAC), 2015, UPV/EHU, Egungo Testuen Corpusa (ETC), 2013, UPV/EHU, Euskal Klasikoen Corpusa Corpusa (ETC), 2013, UPV/EHU, Pentsamenduaren Klasikoak Corpusa (PKC), 2011, UPV/EHU, among others.

Articles about the Basque language


Es autor de numerosos artículos sobre gramática y lengua vasca. Entre otros: “Mitxelena, Selected Writings of a Basque Scholar” (introducción a la Antología de Mitxelena en inglés), 2008; “Hiztegi kontuak Baztan aldean”, in Gramatika jaietan, Patxi Goenagaren omenez, Lakarra-Artiagoitia ed., 2008;“Foreword”, in Standard Basque: A Progressive Grammar, R. de Rijk, 2008; “Baztango mintzoa dela eta, ohar bat”, in Iker-21, 2008; “EGO proiektua zertan den”, 2007; “Pentsamenduaren Klasikoak Euskaraz”, SENEZ, 2007; “Euskal gramatika orotarikoa”, in Euskera 2005-; “Berriz ere Laphitzen eta euskara batuaren inguruan”; 2005, “Euskara batua eta Laphitzen euskara eredua” Euskera, 2, 50. liburukia 533-545, 11-10-2005; 2003, “Euskara maila guztietara hedatzeak kostua izan du”; 2003, “Hizkuntza kontuetan sinbolismoak indar gehiegi du”; “Rudolf de Rijk, euskaldunen Holandako adiskidea (1937-2003)” 2003; “Hausnarketa batzuk euskararen egoeraren inguruan” in X. Artiagoitia, P. Goenaga y J. Lakarra (ed) Erramu Boneta: Festschrift for Rudolf P.G. de Rijk, p. 583-597, 2002, Bilbao: UPV/EHU; 1991, "Bonaparte, Forerunner of modern dialectology" EUSKERA, p. 415-421; 1991, “Baztango hizkeraz ohar batzuk” 2002; "Euskal perpausa: zenbait ohar sintaxi eta mintzagai egiturez", Memoriae L. Mitxelena Magistri Sacrum 1991; "Euskararen konfigurazionalitateaz", Patxi Altunari Omenaldia, 1990; "El movimiento de las frases-Qu y el foco en vasco", Fontes linguae vasconum: Studia et documenta, 1989 (en 1990 también en: Estudios de lingüística de España y México, V. Demonte y B. Garza (ed), UNAM y El Colegio de México, p. 525-551); 1987, "Baztango euskalkiaz: Elizondoko beste doktrina bat", in ASJU XX-1, p. 453-475 or.; "Euskal perpausaren egitura" in Euskal Morfosintaxia eta fonologia: Eztabaida gaiak (p. 103-129); "Baztango euskalkiaz: Elizondoko Doktrina bat", 1986; "Normalización lingüística en el sistema educativo de Navarra", in P. Zabaleta, Euskal Irakaskuntza Nafarroan. Normalizaziorako oinarriak, 1986; "La teoría del Ligamiento en la Lengua Vasca", ASJU 1986; "Uztarduraren teoria" in Euskal sintaxiaren zenbait arazo, 1985; "La Lingüística de Mario Bunge", ASJU, 1985; "Mario Bungeren hizkuntzalaritza", EUSKERA XXX, 1985.

Works about university systems


Besides Basque linguistics, Salaburu has written articles about the organization of university systems around the world:

  • España y el Proceso de Bolonia: un encuentro imprescindible (Spain and the Process of Bologna: An Essential Question) (2011) (with Guy Haug, José Ginés Mora)
  • La universidad en la encrucijada: Europa y EEUU (The University at the Crossroads: Europe and the United States) (2007) (with Marta Moreno, Ludger Mees y Juan Ignacio Pérez)
  • Sistemas universitarios en Europa y EEUU (University Systems in Europe and the United States) (2003) (with Ludger Mees, Juan Ignacio Pérez)
  • Unibertsitatea eta euskal gizartea, gaur (2003)(Authors: Juan Ignacio Pérez, Pello Salaburu)

Artículos sobre universidad


Sobre esa cuestión ha publicado varios artículos. Entre otros: “Universidad: Europa vs. EEUU” (2008); “Cuestión de horas...”, 2007, (ISSN 1988-236X); “Las ayudas a estudiantes universitarios: EEUU y Europa”, 2007 (ISSN 1988-236X); “El modelo de universidad americana, ¿es un referente para Europa?”, 2006, en F. Toledo, E. Alcón y F. Michavila (Ed).

Colabora de forma habitual con artículos de opinión en la prensa diaria vasca, en castellano y en lengua vasca.
