Sasha Ferguson Creative Director of The Travel Vlogger, born and raised up in a staunch Christian family of two, crowned Miss Teens 2009 and from the age of 15years, she joined Teens club show on WBS Television. After 4years in the public eye, she took a break to concentrate more on her studies.

Went to Greenhill kindergarten,Buganda Road Primary school. Joined Aga khan High school For O'level and St Noah Girls school for A'level and later joined Makerere University for a Bachelor in Humanities and Social Science majoring in Psychology currently.

She has been involved in a number of projects like Sash Fash Online clothing line, Children of Promise charity project, Cancer patients campaigns, beverages Ads, Among others. With the fact that she is multi-tasked, she does secretarial work running a cafe business of her own.

Having a passion for traveling since childhood, Sasha decided to create something that will not only promote her country in Uganda but to also inform all people in the diaspora of the reason why Uganda should be their number one destination for tourism,honey moon,eateries etc. drawing all this together inform of short series of videos running all over social media.

Facebook,Instagram,Twitter. She considers this a fun and entertaining way of engaging with people and the fastest way to promote Uganda the Pearl of Africa