
Gwadar way of wind Gwadar is located at entrance of the Persian Gulf. Its 600 KM long coastline is one of the most beautiful coastlines of the world with shining blue water and marble white sand. Gwadar stands as the new heart line, a new commercial hub for the world. Surrounded by Dasht and Kolanch valleys a rich historical background tags Gwadar, ruled by Afrasiab, Khusro and Lahrasip Gwader saw the Advantest of Alexander the great followed by the rule of Chandara Gupta Moria in 303 b.c. A detailed history is missing afterwards but for some time Gwadar remains a centre for Pirates their graves can still be traced at the bottom of Sanghar. A well-known Portuguese write Manual de.f.Sauza in 16th Century wrote a detail of Portuguese attack on Gwadar in his book (The history of days in east) but the invaders were defeated by local Kalmat tribe as Mir Hamal Fought bravely but was captured and taken into custody. Khan of Kalat Mir Naseer Khan Nori included in to his realm in 1777. In 1783 Mir Naseer present Gwader to Saeed Sultan the defeated ruler of Muscat. Saeed Sultan after Mir Naseer death recaptured Muscat but continue to rule Gwader. After Independence the Gwadar question was raised again by Kohda Abdul Rasool baran, Haji Muhammad Iqbal Baluch a local businessman son of Kohda Durra Khan, Mir Ghafoor Kalmati chief of kalmati tribe and in 1949 Khan Liaqat ali Khan ask for annexation of Gwadar to Pakistan Haji Muhammad Iqbal in his famous letter written to government of Pakistan Stressed that due to geagtratergic and economic importance Gwadar must become a part of Pakistan.While Kohda Abdul Rasool and Mir Ghafoor Kalmati continue their struggle on domestic frontier, as a result of this valiant effort Gwadar was repurchased from the Sultan of Muscat on 8th September 1957. The Gen Mushraf Regieme Is now Trying to Settle 3 million Punjabies from Punjab to this Area which is a Baloch Majority Area, by building a hudge Project Including a Deep sea port, the local people of Balochistan the BAlochs and People of Gawadar are Against the project as this will cause a catestroph against their Demographs eventually turning them inta minority.

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