Sarfo Isaac, popularly known as "NSK (Nana Sarfo Kantanka) among his collegues or peers hails from Trabuom, a town situated in the Atwima Kwawoma district in the Ashanti region of Ghana. Mr.Sarfo is an academician who aims at exploring more about the environment and the social settings of man's life. He is a christian and Pentecostal (Church of Pentecost) by religion.

He graduated from the Central University of Ghana, with a First Class honour in Environmental Sciences ( He is said to be working towards some publications, mainly in the field of Corporate Sustainability Management, Climate Change and the Natural Resource Management field. Mr Sarfo has always aimed at going higher in terms of academia as he has always been committed and passionate about every task being assigned to him.

He served as a teaching/research assistant at the Central University College. He has teamed up with several international and domestic N.G.Os such as; Curious Minds(Basic School Development Project), "Inkabom" (Unity) where he has voluntarily liaised with other youth members with a common goal to donate, teach and help people in orphanages, remote areas and so on. He has a great prospect in the field of research and academia and with much dedication and hardwork, he is touted as a young scholar who can do well in the near future.

He has attained several grants and scholarships during his period of studies at the tertiary level and is currently pursuing a 2 year Master of Science degree in Marine Ecosystem based Management & Climate Change at Nha Trang University in Vietnam, Asia. He hopes to pursue his PhD also in the United States of America or Europe to get the best of education to solve problems which stems humanity and also to establish more contacts with the outer world to help his motherland Ghana.