Film name: How much we are close to each others.

Plot: Mr. Herry (Sachin Jaltare) And Mis. Mixi (Vaishali Jaltare) They works in a Painting studio. They Meets in a Rock Park for a firsft time. They see each others. But Herry Turns away his face from Mixi. And goes for his work. Mixi thinks, Why he is Ignoreing me? But actual reason is he don’t belive in love. After 2 days.they does exercise.

After 2 days.

Herry does a great painting. And Mixi gets Imprase. Then they starts doing painting in studio.

Then They both hugs each others

Few days after their marrage. Mixi Use to sit on her laptop. And herry does painting in the house. Mixi gets tea for him.

          Herry use to be in some deepration. So he dint went to studio for 1 month. He use to have some negitive thoughts. And could’nt go out of the door. Mixi keeps convencing him.Herry’s wife keeps convencing him. And give him some shloka.Few muinits leter.

Then he comes out and enjoys his life.


Vaishali S.Jaltare: as Mixi Sachin S.Jaltare: as Herry

Song: More love / Singer: Sunjiv