Dr. Arthur Nozik is a researcher at the National Renewable Energy Lab(NREL). He is also a professor at the University of Colorado, which is located in Boulder. He researches quantum dots in semiconductor at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and is a chemistry proffesor at the University of Colorado. He also does research for the advancement of solar energy, which he recentley won the UN Science and Technology Prize for. [1]



Dr. Arthur Nozik recieved his bachelor degree from the University of Cornell in 1959, and he earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD) from Yale University in 1967. In 1967 he dicovered a new transparent conductor, which helped develope new applications in solar energy devices. Then he did research on quantization effects in semiconductor quantum dots, for the Allied Chemical Corporation and the American Cynamid Corporation. He then worked as a group leader of Photoelectrochemistry from 1974 to 1978. He worked in both these places until 1978, when he joined the NREL. He has published a little over 150 research papers related to solar cell quantum dots semi conductor silicon solar cells. He has been an editor of The Journal of Physical Chemistry since 1993. He has reviewed a numerous amount of paper for various scientific magazines. [2]

His research includes the following:

     •	The effects of size quantization dots on semiconductors
     •	The nanostructures of quantum dots, wells and how well they can covert solar photons. 
     •	Photoelectrochemistry (the study of light through electrochemical systems) of a semiconductor molecule. And their energy conversions
     •	Photocatalysis, which is the acceleration of a photoreaction, in the presence of a catalyst. 
     •	Magnetic and electrical properties of solids.  

See Also


solar cells

photovoltaic cells

quantum dots


photo catalysis




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Category:Renewable energy organizations Category:Golden, Colorado Category:United States Department of Energy National Laboratories Category:Research and development organizations Category:Energy research institutes