
Sooooooo i'm sanders and i consider myself a sociopath,flirt and a sadist...many other things

sooo a sociopath is a person whooooooo ok rlly idk il just give the urban dictionary definition soooooooo its like: A sociopath is a person with a personality disorder. It is a person who would occasionally show charm and charisma now and they only care about themselves. They would lie and blame stuff they did on other people and always attempt to hurt or harass other people.

And a flirt like my FAV personality...even tho its like the worst: behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intentions.

AHHHH a sadist another great one of mine...even tho i became nicer cuz of sum friends *spits* soft people but a sadist is: One who gets pleasure (often sexual) from the suffering of others. It is a common myth that sadists like masochists, however the true sadist can get no pleasure from the pain he causes the masochist because the masochist is enjoying it.

yaaaaaaaaa and another hilarious one the twin personality disorder i may not be diagnosed to have it but i just feel it, sometimes i'll be all nice and shit maybe even too nice people love me in a second(it's a gift and a burden(did i mention i was a narcissist?))and some other times i'll be like a sociopathic blood thirsty murderous cold hearted person looking for pleasure out of other peoples torment, A.K.A "bitch"...Basically a wolf in a panda skin......Ohhh ya also the definition: Someone with this disorder will have at least 2 separate personalities that take control of the body at different times.

.......U know what i think the worst part in all this's awfully true

...mhhh now that u know a bit more about me i may have to eliminate u(cant have no evidence that i may have committed such act)