User:Sameh Ashour/سامح عاشور

Sameh Ashour

Sameh Ashour was born at the center of Saqlth - Sohag Governorate in 1953.

1. He was elected president of the Union of Students of the Faculty of Law University of Cairo in 1974-1975 led military service immediately after graduation and worked as a lawyer since late 1975 until now. 2. Since the beginning of entry into the Bar Association established the first youth entity for lawyers in the history of the Bar Association called the family of young lawyers. 3. Since its beginnings in his work as a lawyer has been involved in many issues of political tasks, including the defense of political prisoners in an uprising in January 1977 or strike the railway business. 4. The defense of the detainees from Islamic groups since the beginning of the eighties. 5. As well as the participants in the face of President Anwar Sadat, a defender of the independence of the Bar Association 6. Was arrested five arrests in September 1981 and was the youngest Almottaglin not and refused to sign a memorandum of an amnesty offered to President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak to all of them were released after that. 7. Sameh Ashour was representative of the party Nazareth PA 2000.1995 only one who refused to renew the pledge of allegiance to President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak, which has had impact on the lack of success in the next parliamentary elections. 8. Sameh Ashour is ??????????????????????????????????? Sameh Ashour, chairman of the Egyptian Bar formerly the previous two sessions from 2001 to 2005 and from 2005 to 2008, and independent member of the Egyptian People's Assembly since 1995 until the year. Saqlth born in Sohag. Graduate of the Faculty of Law at Cairo University 1975 - President of the Student Union of the Faculty of Law, Cairo University 1973 to 1975 - Counsel since October 1975 - Member of the Bar Council since 1985 to 1994 - Member of the Board of people from 1995 to 2000 - President of the Bar from 2001 to 2008 - Chairman of the Federation of Arab Lawyers, the former until 2008 - Vice President, International Federation Attorneys - Vice President of the Bar Association of Africans - a member of the National Council for Human Rights and President of the Legislative Committee - Member of the legal sector of the Supreme Council of Universities - Member of the legal sector the craft Top of Culture - a member of the Council of the Faculty of Law - University of Cairo - Member of the Council of cauterizing of Law - Ain Shams University _ struggled all the issues of nationalism and Arabism fighter against dependency and anti-Zionist and against the U.S. occupation of Iraq - Payment of the age of many months spent in prison by a decision of President Sadat in 1981 when he defended Ashour, who was still counsel a young man on the independence of the union that resolves President Sadat council against the backdrop of famous dispute About Camp David, did not come out Sameh Ashour from prison only after the death of President Sadat and the decision of President Mubarak in November 1982 for the release of detainees, where he received a number of them in the palace of Arabism was headed by Mohamed Hassanein Heikal, and among them young lawyer - and time - Sameh Ashour. Sameh Ashour journey full of tender and attitudes effective when mention codes Sohag find in the introduction to symbols Ashour struggling son Sohag Bar, who took the Bar Association two consecutive terms, and in the last session was unlucky Sameh Ashour in its success under the chairmanship of the Bar Association but a little bit of its success to reach the hearts of all who saw elections the union from beginning to end, whether a lawyer or because Ashour proved for all mettle afternoon and he is really the son of Sohag Bar, who are proud in front of everyone and say Ashour, son of the country loyal inherent metal and descent, in all his meetings with television have not heard from Ashour, but all that is Musharraf and a source of pride to us without the other, Ashour was not accused of a falsehood, not

Underestimate one of his rivals, but was always when my teacher says little competition! Thus Ashour always was and remains an example to

. 1. In 2010 he was elected assistant secretary-general of the Union of Arab Lawyers unanimously for the first time in the history of the Union. 2. Finally, he was elected president of the Arab Democratic Party in Nazareth 23/04/2011. 3. To take upon himself the task of unifying the power now at the level of Nazareth Arab Republic of Egypt. 4. Rejection of the grant provided by the American Bar Association.

