User:Sam Blacketer/1964 Parliament

Category:UK MPs 1964-1966 as it should be.

  • Leo Abse
  • Sir Peter Agnew, 1st Baronet
  • Austen Albu
  • Michael Alison
  • Robert Allan, Baron Allan of Kilmahew
  • James Allason
  • Frank Allaun
  • Walter Alldritt
  • Scholefield Allen
  • Julian Amery, Baron Amery of Lustleigh
  • William Anstruther-Gray, Baron Kilmany
  • Ernest Armstrong
  • John Astor
  • Humphrey Atkins
  • Norman Atkinson
  • Daniel Awdry
  • Alice Bacon, Baroness Bacon
  • Gordon Bagier
  • Wilfred Baker (politician)
  • Robert Lindsay, 29th Earl of Crawford
  • Anthony Barber, Baron Barber
  • Sir John Barlow, 2nd Baronet
  • Joel Barnett, Baron Barnett
  • Brian Batsford
  • William Baxter (MP)
  • Tufton Beamish, Baron Chelwood
  • Alan Beaney
  • Ronald Bell (UK politician)
  • Frederick Bellenger
  • Cyril Bence
  • Tony Benn
  • Frederic Bennett
  • James Bennett (UK politician)
  • Reginald Bennett
  • Humphry Berkeley
  • Anthony Berry
  • Peter Bessell
  • John Biffen
  • John Biggs-Davison
  • Richard Martin Bingham
  • John Binns
  • Nigel Birch, Baron Rhyl
  • Edward Stanley Bishop
  • Cyril Black
  • Fred Blackburn
  • Peter Blaker, Baron Blaker
  • Arthur Blenkinsop
  • Harold Boardman
  • Clive Bossom
  • Terence Boston, Baron Boston of Faversham
  • Arthur Bottomley
  • Herbert Bowden, Baron Aylestone
  • Roderic Bowen
  • Frank Bowles, Baron Bowles
  • Donald Box
  • John Boyd-Carpenter, Baron Boyd-Carpenter
  • James Boyden
  • Edward Boyle, Baron Boyle of Handsworth
  • Bessie Braddock
  • Tom Bradley (UK politician)
  • Bernard Braine
  • Jeremy Bray
  • John Brewis
  • Tatton Brinton
  • Walter Bromley-Davenport
  • Henry Brooke, Baron Brooke of Cumnor

B cont.

  • Alfred Broughton
  • Edward Brown (UK politician)
  • George Brown, Baron George-Brown
  • Hugh Brown (British politician)
  • Ronald Brown (English politician)
  • Jock Bruce-Gardyne
  • Paul Bryan
  • Norman Buchan
  • Richard Buchanan
  • Alick Buchanan-Smith
  • Antony Buck
  • Eric Bullus
  • Frederick Burden
  • Herbert Butcher
  • Herbert Butler
  • Joyce Butler
  • Rab Butler
  • Ronald Buxton (UK politician)
  • James Callaghan
  • Gordon Campbell, Baron Campbell of Croy
  • Mark Carlisle
  • Neil Carmichael, Baron Carmichael of Kelvingrove
  • Robert Carr
  • Lewis Carter-Jones
  • Sir Robert Cary, 1st Baronet
  • Barbara Castle
  • Paul Channon, Baron Kelvedon
  • Donald Chapman, Baron Northfield
  • Christopher Chataway
  • Robin Chichester-Clark
  • Henry Maitland Clark
  • William Clark, Baron Clark of Kempston
  • Terence Clarke
  • Norman Cole
  • Donald Coleman
  • Bernard Conlan
  • Gresham Cooke
  • Robert Cooke (politician)
  • Albert Cooper (UK politician)
  • Neill Cooper-Key
  • Freda Corbet
  • John Cordle
  • Frederick Corfield
  • Albert Costain
  • Anthony Courtney
  • Frank Cousins
  • Beresford Craddock
  • George Craddock
  • Aidan Crawley
  • Richard Crawshaw
  • John Desmond Cronin
  • Anthony Crosland
  • Richard Crossman
  • Oliver Crosthwaite-Eyre
  • Petre Crowder
  • Alice Cullen
  • Knox Cunningham
  • Charles Curran (politician)
  • George Currie
  • John Scott, 9th Duke of Buccleuch
  • Tam Dalyell
  • James Dance (politician)
  • George Darling
  • Elfed Davies, Baron Davies of Penrhys
  • Harold Davies, Baron Davies of Leek
  • Ifor Davies
  • S. O. Davies

D cont.

  • Wyndham Davies
  • Henry d'Avigdor-Goldsmid
  • Paul Dean, Baron Dean of Harptree
  • Bill Deedes
  • Geoffrey de Freitas
  • Hugh Delargy
  • Edmund Dell
  • James Dempsey
  • John Diamond, Baron Diamond
  • Simon Wingfield Digby
  • Norman Dodds
  • Douglas Dodds-Parker
  • Peter Doig (politician)
  • Charles Donaldson
  • Desmond Donnelly
  • Charles Doughty (UK politician)
  • Alec Douglas-Home
  • Burnaby Drayson
  • Tom Driberg, Baron Bradwell
  • Edward du Cann
  • Rolf Dudley-Williams
  • Patrick Duffy (UK politician)
  • James Dunn (UK politician)
  • Jack Dunnett
  • Maurice Edelman
  • John Eden, Baron Eden of Winton
  • Ness Edwards
  • Robert Edwards (politician)
  • Walter Elliot (English politician)
  • William Elliott, Baron Elliott of Morpeth
  • Peter Emery
  • Evelyn Emmet, Baroness Emmet of Amberley
  • Michael English (UK politician)
  • David Ennals, Baron Ennals
  • David Ensor (politician)
  • Sir Eric Errington, 1st Baronet
  • Frederick Erroll, 1st Baron Erroll of Hale
  • Albert Evans
  • Ioan Evans
  • Reginald Eyre
  • John Farr
  • Anthony Fell (politician)
  • Ernest Fernyhough
  • Harold Finch
  • Nigel Fisher
  • Alan Fitch
  • Edward Fletcher (politician)
  • Eric Fletcher, Baron Fletcher
  • Raymond Fletcher
  • Charles Fletcher-Cooke
  • John Fletcher-Cooke
  • Bernard Floud
  • Maurice Foley (politician)
  • Dingle Foot
  • Michael Foot
  • Ben Ford (politician)
  • George Forrest (politician)
  • John Foster (UK politician)
  • Hugh Fraser (politician)
  • Ian Montagu Fraser
  • Tom Fraser
  • Reg Freeson
  • Tam Galbraith
  • Myer Galpern
  • Muriel Gammans
  • Edward Gardner
  • Ted Garrett

Page 2

  • Alex Garrow
  • David Gibson-Watt, Baron Gibson-Watt
  • Ian Gilmour, Baron Gilmour of Craigmillar
  • Sir John Gilmour, 3rd Baronet
  • David Ginsburg
  • Douglas Glover (UK politician)
  • Sir Richard Glyn, 9th Baronet
  • Joseph Godber
  • Philip Goodhart
  • Victor Goodhew
  • Harry Gourlay
  • Raymond Gower
  • Anthony Grant (British politician)
  • Robert Grant-Ferris
  • Anthony Greenwood, Baron Greenwood
  • Arnold Gregory
  • Charles Grey (politician)
  • Percy Grieve
  • David Griffiths (UK politician)
  • Eldon Griffiths
  • Jim Griffiths
  • Peter Griffiths
  • William Griffiths (politician)
  • Jo Grimond
  • Ray Gunter
  • Harold Gurden
  • Leslie Hale, Baron Hale
  • John Hall (UK politician)
  • Alfred Hall-Davis
  • James Hamilton (Scottish politician)
  • James Hamilton, 5th Duke of Abercorn
  • Michael Hamilton
  • Willie Hamilton
  • William Hamling
  • William Hannan
  • Joseph Harper (English politician)
  • Fred Harris (MP)
  • Reader Harris
  • Brian Harrison (Conservative politician)
  • Harwood Harrison
  • Walter Harrison
  • Judith Hart
  • Arthur Vere Harvey, Baron Harvey of Prestbury
  • John Harvey (UK politician)
  • Betty Harvie Anderson
  • Stephen Hastings
  • Roy Hattersley
  • Paul Hawkins (politician)
  • John Hay (UK politician)
  • Harold Hayman
  • Bert Hazell
  • Lionel Heald
  • Denis Healey
  • Edward Heath
  • Eric Heffer
  • Arthur Henderson, Baron Rowley
  • Forbes Hendry
  • Margaret Herbison
  • Terence Higgins, Baron Higgins
  • Joseph Hiley
  • James Hill (Labour politician)
  • John Hill (British politician)
  • Geoffrey Hirst
  • Dennis Hobden
  • John Hobson (politician)
  • Quintin Hogg, Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone

H cont.

  • Percy Holman
  • Emlyn Hooson, Baron Hooson
  • Alan Hopkins
  • Peter Hordern
  • Richard Hornby
  • John Horner (politician)
  • Patricia Hornsby-Smith
  • Douglas Houghton, Baron Houghton of Sowerby
  • Greville Howard (MP)
  • Harry Howarth
  • Robert Howarth
  • Geoffrey Howe
  • Denis Howell, Baron Howell
  • William Howie, Baron Howie of Troon
  • James Hoy, Baron Hoy
  • Cledwyn Hughes
  • Emrys Hughes
  • Hector Hughes
  • John Hunt (British politician)
  • Adam Hunter (UK politician)
  • Albert Hunter
  • Michael Clark Hutchison
  • Harry Hylton-Foster
  • Harry Hynd
  • John Burns Hynd
  • Tom Iremonger
  • Arthur Irvine
  • Godman Irvine
  • Sydney Irving
  • Colin Jackson (UK politician)
  • Barnett Janner, Baron Janner
  • Douglas Jay, Baron Jay
  • George Jeger
  • Lena Jeger, Baroness Jeger
  • Patrick Jenkin, Baron Jenkin of Roding
  • Hugh Jenkins
  • Roy Jenkins
  • John Jennings (UK politician)
  • Geoffrey Johnson Smith
  • Carol Johnson
  • James Johnson (UK politician)
  • Russell Johnston, Baron Russell-Johnston
  • Arthur Jones (politician)
  • Aubrey Jones
  • Dan Jones (politician)
  • Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones
  • James Idwal Jones
  • Thomas William Jones, Baron Maelor
  • Michael Jopling, Baron Jopling
  • Keith Joseph
  • Donald Kaberry, Baron Kaberry of Adel
  • Richard Kelley
  • Clifford Kenyon
  • Henry Kerby
  • Anne Kerr
  • David Kerr (UK politician)
  • Sir Hamilton Kerr, 1st Baronet
  • Anthony Kershaw
  • James Kilfedder
  • Marcus Kimball, Baron Kimball
  • Evelyn King (UK politician)
  • Horace King
  • Peter Michael Kirk
  • Timothy Kitson
  • Godfrey Lagden
  • Antony Lambton
  • Claude Lancaster

L cont.

  • John Langford-Holt
  • George Lawson (UK politician)
  • Edward Leadbitter
  • Ron Ledger
  • Frederick Lee, Baron Lee of Newton
  • Jennie Lee, Baroness Lee of Asheridge
  • Harry Legge-Bourke
  • Harold Lever, Baron Lever of Manchester
  • Leslie Lever, Baron Lever
  • Arthur Lewis (politician)
  • Kenneth Lewis
  • Ronald Lewis (British politician)
  • Marcus Lipton
  • John Litchfield (politician)
  • Megan Lloyd George
  • Geoffrey William Lloyd
  • Ian Lloyd (UK politician)
  • Selwyn Lloyd
  • Kenneth Lomas
  • Charles Longbottom
  • Gilbert Longden
  • Charles Loughlin
  • Walter Loveys
  • Eric Lubbock, 4th Baron Avebury
  • Sir Jocelyn Lucas, 4th Baronet
  • Sir Hugh Lucas-Tooth, 1st Baronet
  • Dickson Mabon
  • Stephen McAdden
  • Ian MacArthur
  • Neil McBride
  • Jack McCann
  • James MacColl
  • Niall MacDermot
  • Michael McGuire
  • James McInnes
  • Margaret McKay
  • Alasdair Mackenzie
  • Gregor Mackenzie
  • George Mackie, Baron Mackie of Benshie
  • John Mackie, Baron John-Mackie
  • Martin McLaren
  • Fitzroy Maclean
  • Frank McLeavy, Baron McLeavy
  • Iain Macleod
  • Stanley McMaster
  • Malcolm Macmillan
  • Patrick McNair-Wilson
  • Kevin McNamara (politician)
  • Malcolm MacPherson
  • Martin Maddan
  • John Maginnis
  • Peter Mahon (UK politician)
  • Simon Mahon
  • John Maitland (Conservative politician)
  • Joseph Mallalieu
  • Lance Mallalieu
  • Archie Manuel
  • Charles Mapp
  • Anthony Marlowe
  • Ernest Marples
  • Richard Marsh, Baron Marsh
  • Neil Marten
  • Roy Mason
  • Robert Mathew
  • Angus Maude
  • Reginald Maudling
  • Ray Mawby

Page 3

  • Robert Maxwell
  • Robin Maxwell-Hyslop
  • Lynch Maydon
  • Christopher Mayhew
  • Bob Mellish, Baron Mellish
  • John Mendelson
  • Anthony Meyer
  • Ian Mikardo
  • Bruce Millan
  • Maurice Miller
  • Peter Mills (UK politician)
  • Stratton Mills
  • Eddie Milne
  • Norman Miscampbell
  • David Mitchell (politician)
  • William Molloy, Baron Molloy
  • Hector Monro, Baron Monro of Langholm
  • Walter Monslow, Baron Monslow
  • Jasper More
  • Geraint Morgan
  • Morgan Morgan-Giles
  • John Morris, Baron Morris of Aberavon
  • Alf Morris
  • Charles Morris (politician)
  • Charles Morrison
  • John Morrison, 1st Baron Margadale
  • Charles Mott-Radclyffe
  • Frederick Mulley
  • Albert Murray, Baron Murray of Gravesend
  • Oscar Murton, Baron Murton of Lindisfarne
  • Harold Neal
  • Airey Neave
  • Stan Newens
  • Harmar Nicholls
  • Sir Godfrey Nicholson, 1st Baronet
  • Michael Noble, Baron Glenkinglas
  • Francis Noel-Baker
  • Philip Noel-Baker, Baron Noel-Baker
  • Christopher Norwood
  • George Nugent, Baron Nugent of Guildford
  • Gordon Oakes
  • Eric Ogden
  • Brian O'Malley
  • Cranley Onslow
  • Albert Oram, Baron Oram
  • Maurice Orbach
  • Stanley Orme, Baron Orme
  • Lawrence Orr
  • Ian Orr-Ewing
  • John Osborn (politician)
  • Cyril Osborne
  • Thomas Oswald
  • Will Owen
  • Walter Padley
  • Derek Page, Baron Whaddon
  • Graham Page
  • John Page (UK politician)
  • Reginald Paget, Baron Paget of Northampton
  • Arthur Palmer (politician)
  • Charles Pannell
  • George Pargiter, Baron Pargiter
  • Trevor Park
  • John Parker (UK politician)
  • Ben Parkin
  • Laurence Pavitt
  • Arthur Pearson

P cont.

  • Francis Pearson
  • Fred Peart, Baron Peart
  • John Peel (politician)
  • Norman Pentland
  • Ian Percival
  • Ernest Perry
  • John Peyton, Baron Peyton of Yeovil
  • Sir Kenneth Pickthorn, 1st Baronet
  • Mervyn Pike
  • Edith Pitt
  • Ernest Popplewell
  • Rafton Pounder
  • Enoch Powell
  • Reginald Prentice
  • David Price (British politician)
  • Tom Price (UK politician)
  • James Prior, Baron Prior
  • Arthur Probert
  • Harry Pursey
  • Francis Pym
  • Joan Quennell
  • James Ramsden (politician)
  • Harry Randall
  • John Rankin (politician)
  • Peter Rawlinson, Baron Rawlinson of Ewell
  • Edward Redhead
  • Martin Redmayne, Baron Redmayne
  • Merlyn Rees
  • William Rees-Davies
  • David Renton, Baron Renton
  • Gerry Reynolds (UK politician)
  • Geoffrey Rhodes
  • Ivor Richard, Baron Richard
  • Nicholas Ridley, Baron Ridley of Liddesdale
  • Julian Ridsdale
  • Albert Roberts
  • Goronwy Roberts, Baron Goronwy-Roberts
  • Sir Peter Roberts, 3rd Baronet
  • John Robertson (Scottish Labour Party founder)
  • Kenneth Robinson
  • William Robson Brown
  • William Rodgers, Baron Rodgers of Quarry Bank
  • Sir John Rodgers, 1st Baronet
  • George Rogers (politician)
  • William Roots
  • Paul Rose (UK politician)
  • William Ross, Baron Ross of Marnock
  • Christopher Rowland
  • Anthony Royle, Baron Fanshawe of Richmond
  • Ronald Russell
  • Duncan Sandys
  • James Scott-Hopkins
  • Richard Sharples
  • Robert Sheldon, Baron Sheldon
  • William Shepherd (politician)
  • Manny Shinwell, Baron Shinwell
  • Peter Shore
  • Edward Short, Baron Glenamara
  • Renee Short
  • John Silkin
  • Samuel Silkin, Baron Silkin of Dulwich
  • Julius Silverman
  • Sydney Silverman
  • George Sinclair (politician)
  • Arthur Skeffington
  • Harriet Slater

S cont.

  • Joseph Slater, Baron Slater
  • William Small (Scottish politician)
  • Dudley Smith
  • Ellis Smith
  • John Smith (Conservative politician)
  • Sir John Smyth, 1st Baronet
  • Julian Snow, Baron Burntwood
  • Christopher Soames, Baron Soames
  • Henry Solomons
  • Reginald Sorensen, Baron Sorensen
  • Frank Soskice, Baron Stow Hill
  • Alexander Spearman
  • Rupert Speir
  • Leslie Spriggs
  • Norman St John-Stevas, Baron St John of Fawsley
  • Keith Stainton
  • Richard Stanley (politician)
  • David Steel
  • Tom Steele
  • Michael Stewart, Baron Stewart of Fulham
  • Anthony Stodart, Baron Stodart of Leaston
  • Malcolm Stoddart-Scott
  • John Stonehouse
  • William Stones
  • Samuel Storey, Baron Buckton
  • George Strauss
  • Barnett Stross
  • Sir Henry Studholme, 1st Baronet
  • Spencer Summers
  • Shirley Summerskill
  • Thomas Henry Swain
  • Stephen Swingler
  • Joseph Symonds
  • John Ellis Talbot
  • Dick Taverne, Baron Taverne
  • Bernard Taylor, Baron Taylor of Mansfield
  • Charles Taylor (UK politician)
  • Frank Taylor (UK politician)
  • Teddy Taylor
  • William Teeling
  • John Meredith Temple
  • Margaret Thatcher
  • George Thomas, 1st Viscount Tonypandy
  • Iorwerth Thomas
  • Leslie Thomas (politician)
  • Peter Thomas, Baron Thomas of Gwydir
  • Sir Richard Thompson, 1st Baronet
  • George Thomson, Baron Thomson of Monifieth
  • Peter Thorneycroft, Baron Thorneycroft
  • Ernest Thornton
  • Jeremy Thorpe
  • Arthur Tiley
  • John Tilney
  • James Tinn
  • Frank Tomney
  • Raphael Tuck
  • Robin Turton, Baron Tranmire
  • Priscilla Buchan, Baroness Tweedsmuir
  • Thomas Urwin
  • William van Straubenzee
  • Eric Varley
  • John Vaughan-Morgan, Baron Reigate
  • Joan Vickers, Baroness Vickers
  • Edwin Wainwright
  • Brian Walden
  • David Walder
  • Harold Walker, Baron Walker of Doncaster
  • Peter Walker, Baron Walker of Worcester

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  • Derek Walker-Smith
  • Patrick Wall
  • George Wallace, Baron Wallace of Coslany
  • Dennis Walters
  • William Warbey
  • Irene Ward
  • Tudor Watkins, Baron Watkins
  • Bernard Weatherill
  • David Webster (politician)
  • David Weitzman
  • James Wellbeloved
  • John Wells (politician)
  • William Wells (British politician)
  • Eirene White, Baroness White

W cont.

  • William Whitelaw, 1st Viscount Whitelaw
  • William Whitlock (politician)
  • George Wigg, Baron Wigg
  • William A. Wilkins
  • Frederick Willey
  • Alan Williams
  • Llywelyn Williams
  • Shirley Williams, Baroness Williams of Crosby
  • Thomas Williams (UK politician)
  • Albert Clifford Williams
  • George Willis
  • Gerald Wills
  • Geoffrey Wilson
  • Harold Wilson
  • William Wilson (Labour politician)

W cont.

  • Richard Winterbottom
  • Alfred Wise
  • Patrick Wolrige-Gordon
  • Richard Wood, Baron Holderness
  • Arthur Woodburn
  • Montague Woodhouse, 5th Baron Terrington
  • Martin Woodnutt
  • Robert Woof
  • Woodrow Wyatt
  • Norman Wylie
  • Victor Yates
  • William Yates
  • George Younger, 4th Viscount Younger of Leckie
  • Konni Zilliacus