


Okambebe is a village in the Northern part of Namibia. It is approximately 45KM from Oshakati the Capital city of Oshana Region.

Specialties of Okambebe


Besides being a normal village it is an art of work surrounded by Oshanas(flood plains) and Pans, including small resetlement areas like Ongenga, Omungwelume and Okalongo.The village holds so much beauty, it’s my home, where most of my relatives resides, mostly Uukwanyama speaking people. It is recognized for its ChurchEvangelical Lutheran Church, Clinic,Okambebe Combined School[1] and People. This village has potential; it is where the Uukwanyama Queen Martha Nelumbu[2] has been raised and it got well-known respected Businessmen (the likes of Jonathan S. Nautwima aka Shoombe, Inamudimbwa Petrus. T) and businesswomen who are inspiring the nation. These are business people who know how to plough back in the community by sponsoring schools, churches and individuals as the say goes charity starts at home. The village is developing as the school has and still producing incredible competent professionals like Teachers, Accountants, Engineers, Managers, Nurses, Technicians you name them. There is a chain of success young leaders who are making a difference and making the village a better comfortable place to be in years to come.[3]



Lastly perhaps you should see this place, explore it and find the beauty that I see in it.See you there......!!

