User:Sailingsmooth5/Kyaikhto Revolution Force

In late March/early April, the group released a video of its members assassinating a Junta dalan (informant) in Kaw San Naing Ward, Kwai Thai Township. The Kyaikhto Revolution Force in Mon State’s Kyaikhto Township on Sunday said it shot dead U San Lwin, a newly junta-appointed administrator for Taung Kalay village, for forcibly recruiting youths from three villages under his administration.

A video released by the resistance group shows one of two resistance members on a motorbike shooting the junta administrator who was also on a motorbike.

Junta sympathizers have also been targeted by the resistance group. On Monday, its members shot dead a pro-junta Buddhist monk, but failed in their attempt to kill pro-junta Pyu Saw Htee militia member Tin Nyein, who also owned a coffee shop. He was accused of collecting information about the movements of revolutionary groups in Kinpun Chaung village in Kyaikhto Township.

During the assassination attempt, Tin Nyein was injured but escaped, Kyaikhto Revolution Force said. The monk was accused of wielding a pistol and oppressing civilians, the group said.