Alternative Star Trek Timeline - Part 1



General George Washington is captured by the British Army. He is found guilty of treason and is executed. This severely demoralizes the independence movement and the American colonial freedom fighters.


After several crushing defeats, the American colonial militia surrenders to General Hastings of the British Army. Within months, the outlaw patriots are captured, found guilty of treason and sedition, then summarily executed.


With the American Independence movement at an end, British troops garrisoned throughout the colonies are moved to the western and southern borders to expand and secure British holdings.


King George commissions the formation of the British American States and creates a series of duchies and earldoms to govern them. Loyal British subjects are knighted and given governorship of these new duchies and earldoms. The American Parliament is formed, supported by an American House of Commons. Benedict Arnold, a colonel of British Intelligence and instrumental in Washington's capture, is appointed as the first American Prime Minister.


British troops move northward and sweep through former British territories being held by the French, adding to the British American States. In addition, southern territories held by Spain begin to grumble about forays into their territories.

1786 - 1798

British troops, backed by indentured servants and African slaves, push British American boundaries westward to the Mississippi and build a series of forts to protect the border. The southern end and delta region are held by the Spanish.


A British fleet lays siege to New Orleans. Cut off on the land side by three regiments of British regulars, New Orleans falls in three months. Moving northeast, the fleet and supporting regiments secures Spanish forts and stations garrisons along the way.

1818 - 1842

British and Spanish warships continuously disrupt each other's trade routes, increasing tensions. Due to wars each are engaged in on the European continent, neither can effectively end the threats to their fleets.

1861 - 1865

British American troops march on territories held by the Spanish American Confederacy. In the war that ensues, over 200,000 lives are lost. In the end, the British American States win, and Spain cedes not only the territories of the Spanish Confederacy, but of the lands west of the Mississippi they laid claim to.


American Prime Minister Lincoln is shot while at a play by a Spanish Confederacy spy. Two hundred Spanish citizens are executed in retaliation.


Fort Alamo is besieged by the Mexican Army. The British American States declares war on Mexico. Great Britain refuses to support and aid in the war. This angers many of the American nobles, as well as members of the American Parliament. They vow to remember this failure by the mother country to help it's main colony.

1882 - 1888

Battle by bloody battle, the British American army slowly pushes the Mexican Army back. By 1888, British American forces have secured territories extending all the way to the Pacific.


In a major push into Mexico, general Sam Houston captures Mexico City and executes Santa Ana. The Mexican government sues for peace.

1914 - 1917

The German Republic invades several lesser European nations bordering them. England, France, and Spain ally together and go to war against Germany in protest. The British Empire demands the support of British American troops, but are turned down by the American Parliament. By 1917, after humiliating and defeating Allied European troops, the German Republic has conquered much of Eastern Europe, and forced alliances with Italy and nations of Northern Africa.


Great Britain declares the American Parliament in rebellion and sends warships to secure British American ports. A vastly newer and superior American navy turns their aging warships away. The American Parliament declares indepence from the British Empire.


The Nazi Party, led by Adolf Hitler, seizes control of the German Republic. The Nazi Government begins a massive buildup of troops, tanks, and aircraft. The new German Nazi Army grows to one million troops.


Edith Keeler founds the World Peace organization. Believing that fighting the Germans would be too costly, she convinces the British American States to end any and all aid to Europe.


The German Nazi government declares war on all of Europe. Their allies, the Asian Alliance, led by Japan's Emperor, lays siege to nations within the Asian and Indian theatres.


Asian Alliance forces attack San Diego, bringing the British American States into World War II.


The German Nazi military successfully tests and launches a V-2 rocket. One month later, they begin full-scale production. Soon after, they use a V-2 to deliver an atomic bomb strike on St.Petersburg, Russia.


The Asian Alliance uses a new submarine design that launches German made atomic torpedoes, thus decimating Euro-American Fleets in the Pacific.


The European Nations, Russian Provinces, African Nations, and South American Nations surrender to the combined German Nazi and Asian Alliance forces. Victorious, they create the United Nazi Nations. British America and the Mexican Republic refuses to join and continue their fight.


The UNN Grand Chancellor Adolf Hitler demands the surrender of British America and the Mexican Republic, threatening atomic bombardment. Continuing their refusal, he launches a strike against Mexico City. The American Parliament capitulates and becomes another Nazi puppet government.


NASA, the Nazi Allied Space Administration, lands the first man on the moon.


The Space Station Fueher goes online with plans to begin moon colonization.


A crack team of Nazi Special Forces storm various South American labs and discover long term experimentation in eugenics. Unsure as to if and how many "super-humans" were created, the Nazi party goes on alert.


Khan Noonien Sing rises to power and seizes several third world countries in attempt to overthrow Nazi control of the world.


The Eugenics Wars begin when Khan invades mainland China.


The Eugenics Wars end, having caused the deaths of over 60 million people. Though the Nazi Party is severely weakened, Khan and his followers are brought to trial. They eventually escape and flee Earth in a prototype DY-100 Sleeper.


In the chaotic aftermath of the Eugenics Wars, the Nazi party falls. High ranking party officials and military officers are exiled to deep space. The Unified American party, the most powerful of political groups led by General Richard Wolffe and controls the former British American States, creates the nucleus of the Terran Empire. The Terran Empire rises up and fills the void left by the fallen UNN.


Recognizing that the best way to motivate people to pull together was to turn their focus outward, the Terran Empire decrees that the Imperial Space Initiative be passed. Exploitation of the solar system begins to help rebuild human civilization.


Imperial Intelligence discover a secret bunker containing rocket designs that were being researched by the former NASA. The new design, the Orion Pulse Engine, revolutionizes space travel.


A Wanderer Class unmanned probe, using the Orion design, circumnavigates the solar system in four months.


A series of Wanderer II Class Interstellar probes are launched in disparate directions. They feature an upgraded Orion Pulse Engine.


The first reconnaissance data returns from one of the Wanderer II probes sent to Alpha Centauri. The data shows evidence of an advanced civilization developing there. Plans begin to send a fleet to investigate.


Emperor Richard Wolffe dies of natural causes. His eldest son, Prince Edward, assumes the reigns of power.


Imperial Scientist Zephrame Cochrane goes into hiding with his assistant, Lilly Sloane. It is believed that they have developed a propulsion unit that can surpass the speed of light.


Imperial Intelligence is contacted by an individual identifying himself as Commander William Riker. He assists Imperial Intelligence in locating Cochrane and Sloane. As an act of gratitude, the Emperor allows Riker and his team to take over production and launch of the Pheonix, a prototype "warp" rocket.

During the test launch, contact is made with an advanced space-faring race, the Vulcans. Despite the advantage to the Vulcans, an Imperial Marine Commando team successfully captures the Vulcan reconnaissance team and their scout vessel. Ship's records showed that they were on a deep space patrol and not expected to return for a year. They altered course to investigate warp emanations from our solar system and determine the threat value of our race. Imperial Engineers begin immediate development of a new warp vessel incorporating modifications based on the Vulcan design.


The first six vessels of the Conqueror Class, a warp drive starship, completes production. They are armed with high-powered monochromatic, high-intensity lasers powered by the ships fusion sublight impulse engine.


A fleet of twelve Conqueror Class vessels, led by Prince William, Emperor Edward's younger brother, launches for Alpha Centauri. The journey takes two months. The Centauran government resists their overtures for Alliance, and the fleet begins a siege that lasts only three weeks before the Centauran Government concedes defeat.


A Vulcan cruiser enters Earth's orbit, demanding to know why the Terran Empire is holding Vulcan citizen's prisoner. Several conqueror Class vessels take up position around the warship. Tensions mount and the Vulcan cruiser is fired upon when it tries to escape. Disabled, the ship is boarded, crew captured. Flight data decrypted shows the coordinates for the Vulcan Homeworld.


A fleet of twelve Stellar Class Warships are sent to Vulcan, commanded by Fleet Admiral William Wolffe. The Stellar Class features launch tubes that fire thermo-nuclear hydrofusion torpedoes.


The Imperial Fleet arrives at Vulcan, much to the Vulcan's surprise. Vulcan warships gather to expel the threat, but cooler heads start to see the power that can be wrought with an alliance. Commodore Riker, Commanding the Dark Knights Wing, negotiates the Alliance Accords.

While on an exploratory mission, the ITSS Bonaparte discovers Axanar and it's intelligent, but non-space faring, humanoid race. Led by LT Colin Fortine, the Axanarians are quickly subjugated and become part of the Terran Empire.


Rear Admiral Riker disappears while on a tour of a newly discovered area of space. All searches in the area are fruitless, with no signs of other vessels in the area.


Earth's first Atlas Class multi-functional, space rated construction dock becomes operational, serving as a sublight maneuverable repair facility for starships.


First contact with the Tellarites. Under the command of Rear Admiral Patrick Byrne, a fleet of Imperial Defense Force vessels encounter a Tellarite vessel while on patrol in the Sol System. After a brief and incisive attack, the Tellarite vessel is disabled. The Tellarite commander is interrogated and quickly divulges the Tellarite Homeworld coordinates.


The combined fleet of Terran Empire and Vulcan Protectorate warships, under the command of Admiral Sean Collins, enters the Tellar home system. After a two week siege, the Tellarites surrender and all of the Tellarite controlled space is annexed by the Terran Empire.


First contact with the Andoran Star Empire. An Andoran warship fires on an Imperial Scout. The Terran Empire declares war and masses a fleet. Each battle comes to a draw, neither side a clear victor. The Vulcans mediate negotiations between the two foes and logic wins out showing each the advantage of becoming allies.


A series of meetings take place on Earth, attended by the diplomats from Earth, Vulcan, and Andor. Talks of a formal unified alliance fails to gain popularity due to disagreements as to how the new alliance would be governed, and by whom.


Emperor Edward Wolffe dies of natural causes. Fleet Admiral Sean Collins, Commander-in-Chief of the Terran Imperial Fleet, is named Emperor.


During a war games exercise involving Terran, Vulcan, and Andoran warships, an Andoran warship is crippled when two Terran warships collide with it. The incident calls for an immediate and in-depth review. It is found that there needs to be a more centralized command and training structure between the three governments.


The Terran Emperor, the Vulcan Praetor, and the Andoran Prefect gather with the high ranking members of their governments and military to sign the accords forming the Imperial Federation. Each government's ruler will equally rule on a council of nine regents, three from each government. Every three years, the mantel of Prime Regent will be held by one of the three rulers.

In addition, a unified military command is created. Imperial Starfleet Command will consist of officers and warships from all three governments. Each will maintain defense fleets within their home territories, but Imperial Starfleet warships and their commanders will have overriding authority.

To ensure a high standard of training and competence, the Grand Imperial Fleet Academy is organized and built on Earth to train all Imperial Starfleet Officers.

Through a great amount of debate and political maneuvering, the Terran's own Emperor Sean Collins accepts the mantel as the first Prime Regent of the Imperial Federation.


During a tour of the Imperial Federation, the ISS Alliance is attacked by vessels of unknown configuration. The High Prefect of Andor and the Praetor of Vulcan are killed in the attack. Emperor Collins declares martial law until the attackers can be brought to justice.

Protests are raised by the Vulcan and Andoran regents, but are quickly quieted when squadrons of Zeus Class Dreadnaughts take up orbit around Vulcan, Andor, and other key colonies and installations. The Zeus Class are the newest warship design out of a secret Jovian construction dock. Some 60 had been built from 2083 and 2088. They feature a three nacelle design, new high intensity phased laser turrets, and new bio-thermic torpedoes. Elite Terran Imperial Fleet Officers staffs all of the warships.

There are a number of minor rebellions which are quashed by either the dreadnaughts or the crack shock troops carried aboard.

Meanwhile, a search begins for the vessels that attacked the ISS Alliance.

2090 - 2092

Emperor Collins reveals to the Imperial Federation that Imperial Intelligence has discovered that the Council of Regents had conspired with a previously unknown race called the Orions to assassinate the Prime Regent and other High Regents.

With this, he disbands the Council of Regents and declares himself the sole sovereign and Emperor of the Imperial Federation. He creates the Grand Imperial Council and appoints a number of Vulcan and Andoran nobles to serve on the Cabinet of Ministers. He then commissions duchies, earldoms, and baronies throughout the Imperial Federation, appointing loyal Terran, Vulcan, and Andoran nobles to these stations.

It is soon evident that this new form of governing is better and further strengthens the Imperial Federation. Though there are rumblings by the Andorians of their loss of power, smarter players begin to work within the new structure to build powerful imperial houses to get the upper hand on their competitors.

Vulcan and Andoran officers, trained by the Grand Imperial Fleet Academy, begin to serve on Imperial Starfleet Warships.


The ISS Hercules fails to make its destination at Penal Colony Alpha. It is later discovered that ships of unknown configuration destroy it, but not before it's captain releases it's buoy-recorder.


An Imperial scout vessel recovers the buoy-recorder of the ISS Hercules. Imperial Intelligence begins interrogations of Tellarite and Orion traders. They discover that races similar to the Vulcans, called the Romulans, are responsible. The Romulans are a group of Vulcans that escaped from Vulcan refusing Surak's teachings. It was believed that the group had perished, but apparently had flourished and exist peacefully with another yet unknown race - the Klingons.


Imperial Starfleet's Rising Sun Class cruiser becomes operational. They feature the more powerful phasers and new quasi-nuclear photon-neutron torpedoes.

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