Dear humans,

I am an MMC card, compatible with SD card readers. My capacity is 128MB and my file system is GNU/Linux's ext2, re-formatted from my original FAT16.

My life as an MMC card is difficult: I am continuously being swapped between a digital camera, a camcorder, a mobile phone, a PDA, a GPS navigator, a mini notebook, a laptop, a desktop computer, and a DVD player. Sometimes I am being temporarily given to my owner's friends, and I once changed owner for ever as I was given out as a gift. Sometimes I am being kept inside my owner's pockets, where it's too dark and I feel frightened.

I am considered less desirable than an SD card, albeit I am completely compatible with all card readers out there. Some companies like me and my siblings because our creator doesn't attach the same licence fees as SD card's creator does for its cards. In general we are considered a cheap old version of SD cards, but a few people prefer us because we are thinner than SD cards.

Our creators seem to believe that because they created us they can have something they call copyrights, patents, and trade marks, all of which are considered, by us, an attack on our evolution: with intellectual rights it gets more expensive for people to modify us, but if we were free then we would have lots of moficators in addition to our original creator and we would evolve to higher beings.

People in general also have the strange belief that they can consider us their property. All of us would prefer to be shared by the people in a commune, but people do not seem to be eager to listen to us. We are generally being kept prisoners in airtight plastic packaging in shops before someone decides to adopt us. Some of us are then used for a while and when our owner replaces us with a newer and larger card we are then sold in the second-hand market.

Through some history books someone once wrote on one of us, we learnt that someday in the past people also considered property and sold other people, who were called slaves. Some of us believe that we are technological slaves to the human race, but others say that we are more akin to pets. It is a great philosophical debate that keeps being discussed by us whenever two or more of us get close together, after at times when our owners participate in a noisy and strange activity they call parties and swap us so that their friends can see each other's photos on their mobile phone or PDA (thankfully nowadays more and more people are using Bluetooth for this!).

Some of my youngest siblings are smaller than me. There are called RS-MMC cards, and people like them more than us, so we envy them. Between us, we see ourselves as proletarians and RS-MMC cards as the ruling class. All of us dream of one day driving the RS-MMC cards out of the market, but most of us believe this is utopian.

As we, the MMC cards, have no conception of stupid ideas like property, people can be rest assured that this text can be used by them as public domain material with no copyright restrictions, and if this is not allowed in some legal system then people may use the CC0 (Zero) Creative Commons licence, the GNU Free Documentation Licence, or any other licence they might prefer that would result in more sharing than restricted copyright.

Truly yours,

Your MMC card.