Two protons colliding.
Complex Higgs boson signal for ATLAS experiment article
For comparison, physicists looked at events with two quarks and a photon (wavy line). Here the string forms only between quarks.
Therefore extra hadrons are found only between the two jets.
Globe of Science and Innovation.
A sign on the edge of Meyrin
A picture of part of the Geneva Cathedral, showing some of its varied architecture.
The main barrel section of the ATLAS hadronic calorimeter, waiting on September 27, 2005 to be moved inside the toroid magnets. (A piece of one of the magnets, with orange temperature-sensing stripes, can be seen in the upper left.)
A component of the muon spectrometer, waiting on on September 27, 2005 to be installed.
The ends of four of eight ATLAS toroid magnets, seen from the surface, about 90 m above, on September 27, 2005.
The ATLAS SCT, assembled on the surface with some of its wiring and panels. Taken September 30, 2005.
The ATLAS TRT barrel section, assembled on the surface and taking cosmic ray data. Taken September 30, 2005.
A large experimental hall at the Intersecting Storage Rings particle accelerator at CERN. The accelerator is beneath the hill that can be seen connecting to the building on the left side. The building itself is now used as part of the magnet-fabrication process for the Large Hadron Collider.
Some of the buildings associated with the Intersecting Storage Rings particle accelerator at CERN. The accelerator itself is beneath the curved, tree-covered "hill" that runs around the outside of the road.
The surface above the Proton Synchrotron particle accelerator at CERN. With more than 45 years to be evened out, have buildings built around it, etc. the ring-shaped hill containing the accelerator is not completely obvious--but it can be seen curving around on the left side of the image.
Big European Bubble Chamber
Initial stages of an old particle accelerator