Religions, intellect, psychedelics. Are they connected? The traditional outlook does not provide an answer to these questions. And what if we look from a different point of view? What is intellect? Where is it contained? And what about religions? How did they appear on our planet? From the biological and chemical point of view, DNA is just a succession of nucleotides, specifically arranged into a double spiral. It forms the basis of all living things. But, unlike animal DNA, the structure of human DNA is such that is contains intellect. There, in the set of molecules, KNOWLEDGE is ingrained. Right now we cannot say with full or at least with partial confidence just how it was arranged, by whom or by what. Even the structure of this spiral is not quite clear to us yet. But scientists are working on it, and possibly, in the nearest future we will be able to understand what we are, to create similar beings, real-life clones and to take one step closer to our CREATOR. What are we here for? Another question that does not have an intelligible answer. Some believe that a human being in its present aspect is just an intermediate stage of intellect, larva that will in future develop into a totally different being that could be unisexual. Others believe that we are but generators of psychic energy. So far scientists have discovered three types of energies – physical, ray and psychic. All the forces, manifest in the world around us, pertain to physical energy. They exist independently of our wishes and obey laws that people have found out and managed to employ to reach different goals. Ray energy is also manifest in the real world. We all take sun-baths, have X-ray pictures made and use the benefits of nuclear-power engineering. The directed flow of photons from our star is called solar wind. Probably, someday it will become our means of traveling large distances in space. Psychic energy is not visible to the eye and does not have direct or indirect univocal physical manifestations. However, its existence is scientifically proved and every country benefits from it. Psychic energy is applied in searching for missing people, in analyzing possible development of future events, in treating people physically as well as mentally, in crime detection and many other spheres. Making the research in this direction public is not in the interests of any government of any country. Why so? Because any vital discovery in this sphere, when developed in the right way, can be that very Pandora’s Box that can either give one person or country power over the entire world, or destroy humanity. It means that the authorities will keep it secret as long as it is possible. However, it is not possible to hush up everything that goes on in this world niche. Too much research is going on, performed by the government professionals as well as by amateur singles or interest groups. People SEARCH. They gather and collect information both from outer sources and from their own personal knowledge and experience. The outer sources – TV, media, books, Internet and others, offer to those interested an approximately equal quantity of valid and substantiated information and of obvious fakes. It is up to the person to choose what to believe and what to reject. Personal experience is a different thing. It comprises such phenomena, as the analysis of situations, the evaluation of people’s reactions to situation that change according to different factors and conditions, and the result of independent research and analysis of one’s one mind and psyche. It is on the basis of this empirical data that a person evaluates information from outer sources. Some data he considers to be possible and likely, and consequently, true, other – gibberish. It is universally true. Personal experience is the main criteria. Most people do not know any other so far, and so they can’t apply it. Different religions and beliefs appeared on our planet at the same time with INTELLECT. Without it Earth would have been just one of the globes in space, like other planets. The only difference would have been the conditions for certain vital processes that took place here. Some time ago, a lot earlier, they also took place on another planet of our system – Mars. Now due to its own processes, or to those, predetermined by that intelligent life, Mars does not have visible signs of habitability. After a certain stage of changes this could become the fate of our planet. Scientists can only search and study the traces, left behind by the civilization that existed there. but we are here. And we are intelligent. However, or mind is so imperfect, that it can’t encompass and process ALL the knowledge it contains. What we really use in life constitutes only 3% of our inner data bank. The very supporting construction doesn’t allow us to use more. The power and speed of our brain is classified by the scientists on the level of 486DX2 processor. Technologically humanity has already surpassed this limit of our own inner mental capability. Probably it wouldn’t take much time to create valid AI (artificial intelligence), but right now countries only conduct research in this area. The prospects of this research depend, first of all, upon such mundane issue as financing. Unfortunately, Russia does not lead in this research. The poverty of our scientific community and the absence of favorable conditions for scientific work force many scientists to leave our country to conduct their research and to introduce their inventions in the Western world. Sad? Of course it is, but we, ordinary, non influential people, can do nothing to change this situation. And we realize that we cannot expect straightforward progress, implemented by the planned “scientific guess” method in our country in the nearest future. But most people still want to develop, to invent, to create. What do we do, how do we draw out from our brain at least a particle of information contained therein to use it for our own benefit and to share it with others? The laborious work of getting self-knowledge, writing different books, creating material comforts, etc. is very hard and not everyone is ready to spend a sufficient part of one’s own life, which is quite short, with no other possible reward than uncertain and unreliable prospects. And very often people were known to be left with nothing at the end of this straight and laborious journey. Another, less numerous but slyer and more practical part of the population builds its own prosperity at the expense of others. They have a very distinct understanding of the fact that everything is distributed equally in this world (fire and ice, love and hate, wealth and poverty, good and bad), otherwise it would have collapsed a long time ago, though we evaluate this equality from the point of view of “concentration – dispersion”, territorial as well as temporal. And they stop at nothing to get the comforts of this world, very often disregarding the laws, ethical and esthetical principles and morals that they themselves advocate. This is the way of criminals and politicians – the formers life is brief and wild, the latter’s – wealthy and long. The same can be said for the heads of different religions, affluent bankers (basically, usurers) and businessmen like George Soros, who make their fortunes on the tears and grief of different countries, that they themselves bring about. While most people suffer and grow poor, an insignificant part of them prospers. It is not necessary for those sly and shifty people, who occupy higher levels of the hierarchy, compared with the place you currently occupy, to be cleverer or better than you are. It is often quite the contrary. And if you realize it one day, for instance, while watching TV, this world is not quite lost for you yet. The point is that honesty, decency and virtue are not at all required in the system of managing modern society. And what is the priority, then? If good does not rule this world, what does? The answer is clear this time. Evil. And it has got a measurement that is MONEY. Money rules the world. The more money you have, the more tangible is your POWER. When money is huge, power is practically unlimited. At the same time most people are quite indifferent towards the ambitions of power. They just want to live BETTER than now. And it takes much less of that universal evil, money, to attain this goal than to rule a country or a part of it. In order to improve their lives many people turn to religions. Religion is a conception of a faith, aimed to make a person its full or partial property. In exchange for following its dogmas religions promise you possible prosperity in this life and definite well-being in after-life. Most religions are markedly conservative and use a strict commanding and restricting methodology in their work. But that begins later, and first of all a person has to BELIEVE. And in order to believe he or she has to UNDERSTAND. And a person can realize, process and understand at least a part of what is revealed to him only in an altered state of consciousness. To put a person into the state of altered consciousness is the first and foremost task of any conceptual faith. Every religion does it in its own way. Islam and christianity resort to monotonous and lengthy reading of surahs, prayers, singing psalms and to other procedures that lead a person into a state of autohypnosis. Buddhism and similar religions use night vigils, special modes of living, fasting – everything that can weaken one’s body before a meditation. Doubtless that is worth it from the point of view of a guru. After a person leaves a weakened body, enters the astral plane and receives certain knowledge there, he or she would want to come back there once again. It means that a person will have to lead the way of life, prescribed by the religion, to attend temples, to eat certain foods and to pay MONEY, as if in offertory. Constantly, till the end of his days. All dogmatic religions have to ascertain it. Otherwise, how would the priests eat buckets of caviar to their hearts’ content during fasting periods, imams rub their fat bald heads, financing acts of terrorism, and catholics practice pedophilia that they enjoy so much? They are sure to get away with EVERYTHING. Why? Because the overall influence of egregors in the world has been shared between dogmatic beliefs a long time ago and is being sustained, in order to create the appearance of stability. However, the murderous religious conflicts that keep breaking out on our planet give every thinking person a true idea of this false stability. An eternal, constant war for minds and territories is raging. It is a prerequisite for the existence of human beings and will only cease with the end of humans. On the other hand, in order to get certain knowledge that everyone is interested in, in order to solve some practical aspects of everyday life and surrounding world, it is not at all necessary to accept the ascetic, servile, or negatively-fanatical ways of life, imposed by these very dogmatic beliefs. It is possible to achieve altered state of consciousness without torturing your body by exhausting fasting and vigils. The way to do it was discovered long before Russia was invaded by christianity. Shamanism uses psycho-active substances to achieve that goal. Psycho-active substances are the loopholes in the surrounding nature, left on purpose or inadvertently to help us travel to the depths of our consciousness. When a certain quantity of these substances is introduced into human body, they can temporarily limit some of its functions, for instance – working memory, speech, or some physiological functions, thus opening the way for the consciousness into the depths of the inaccessible and the unknown. It is there that the inventions and paintings of Leonardo, the works of Conan-Doyle and Bulgakov, Medeleev’s periodic table and other discoveries came from. Information field or the absolute Intelligence can be found only in two places – inside or outside of our head. But it exists and the way to find it was discovered a long time ago. The point is to understand and to take back the information you receive in a state of altered consciousness. And then to use it right. Our planet is literally full of psychoactive substances. Cannabis, poppy, ephedra, acacia, mimosa, ribbon grass, mushrooms, lianas and other species of animal and vegetable world, when treated in the right way, can become the key to certain doors of our consciousness. One of basic tasks of shamanism is to find and to apply these keys, first of all having found out their purpose and defined their capabilities. Any Human on our planet is first of all a researcher. A researcher of the inner world inside and of outer world around. With the appearance of relatively modern psychedelics, such as LSD, DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, mescaline, AMT, 2-cb, DOB and others, synthesized by scientists at the end of the past century, this research became much more interesting, though sometimes more dangerous. The microscopic dosage of modern substances require the researcher to be especially careful. To tell people the truth about substances, religions, to help deal with different situations in life – that is what this site was developed for. If you are interested – read on. We have a forum for interactive communication, where you can ask people questions that interest you, talk to different people and, probably, change your opinion about the world around us. If this is what you came here for – we Welcome you!