Janusz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki
Professor, Doctor of Economics, Management, Engineer Production Manager
BornOctober 31, 1953
EducationDoctorate, 1997. Habilitation, 2014.
Alma materWarsaw University of Technology
Scientific career
InstitutionsDean of the Faculty of Management,Warsaw University of Technology

Janusz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki (born October 31, 1953 in Kraków) – Professor, Doctor of Economics, Management, Engineer Production Manager; Dean of the Faculty of Management, Warsaw University of Technology. Gradute - XV Secondary School named after Narcissi Żmichowska in Warsaw (1972), then the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology (1977).



Management Practitioner


• (among other things)director of LLC Pol-Moin IT Center the (1986-1991) • IT Director of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (1993-1999) • Director General of LLC Fund Services (1999-2000) • Member of the Board and Managing Director of PZU S.A. (2000-2002) • Chairman of PZU Agent Transferowy Company (2001-2002) • Project Manager of Location and Information Platform with a Central Database Project (part of the 112 emergency telephone system) in the Electronic Communication Authority (2008-2011).

Scientist and didactic


Since 2005 has been a researcher at the Warsaw University of Technology, the Faculty of Production Engineering and then the Faculty of Management. PhD in 1997 (Thesis "The Model of Listing Techniques Selection on the Polish Securities Market"), habilitation in 2014 [1] (Thesis "Operational Risk Management for Business Continuity"). Scientific specialization: operational risk management, sustainable management, knowledge management, public crisis management;

Positions held


Member of the Polish Accreditation Commission (2012-2015), member of the Research and Development Team of the Supreme Technical Organization since 2013, member of the GIODO Scientific Council General Inspector for Personal Data Protection) - 2013-2014, Vice Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the WSE (Warsaw Stock Exchange) - 2013-2016, secretary of the Warsaw Branch of the Polish Economic Society - 2013-2014; Member of the Board of the Scientific Society for Economic Informatics since 2015, the Chairman of the Board of the Fund named after Professor Kazimierz Bartel - since 2009. Dean of the Faculty of Management, the Warsaw University of Technology (2016-2020) [2], Authorized Representative of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology for Informatics, Acting Director of the Information Technology Center of the Warsaw University of Technology (since 2013).

Membership in societies


Polish Economic Association, Polish Society for Production Management, Scientific Society for Economic Informatics.

Awards, merit recognition, honorable distinctions


• Silver Winner of the SAP Quality Awards 2014 (as the Director of the Information Technology Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences); • Computerworld weekly edition Award “IT Leader 1998” (as IT Director of the Warsaw Stock Exchange); • Appreciation Distinction of Remigius Kaszubski Award awarded by the Polish Bank Association in 2014; • Nomination for the “Leaders of Universities Management - LUMEN 2015” Award in the category “Innovation”; • Medal of the National Education Commission.

Selected publications

  • pod red. J. Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, K. Rostek, A. Gąsiorkiewicz „Informatyka gospodarcza” (4 tomy), C.H.Beck, Warszawa 2010, ISBN 978-83-255-2161-5 (t.1), 978-83-255-2162-2 (t.2), 978-83-255-2163-9 (t.3), 978-83-255-2164-6 (t.4). Książka nagrodzona na Targach wydawców ekonomicznych w 2011 r.
  • F. Wołowski, J. Zawiła-Niedźwiecki „Bezpieczeństwo systemów informacyjnych. Praktyczny przewodnik zgodny z normami polskimi i międzynarodowymi”, edu-Libri, Kraków 2012, ISBN 978-83-63804-00-8. Książka nagrodzona przez Rektora Politechniki Warszawskiej w 2013 r.
  • J. Zawiła-Niedźwiecki „Zarządzanie ryzykiem operacyjnym w zapewnianiu ciągłości działania organizacji”, edu-Libri, Kraków 2013, ISBN 978-83-63804-12-1 (książka nagrodzona przez Rektora Politechniki Warszawskiej w 2015 r.)
  • J. Zawiła-Niedźwiecki „Operational risk as a problematic triad: risk – resource security – business continuity”, edu-Libri, Kraków 2014, ISBN 978-83-63804-42-8[1]
  • pod red. I. Staniec, J. Zawiła-Niedźwiecki "Ryzyko operacyjne w naukach o zarządzaniu", C.H.Beck, Warszawa 2015, ISBN 978-83-255-7317-1
  • pod red. A.Kosieradzka, J.Zawiła-Niedźwiecki "Zaawansowana metodyka oceny ryzyka w publicznym zarządzaniu kryzysowym", edu-Libri, Kraków 2016, ISBN 978-83-63804-78-7

Category:Polish economists Category:Graduates of Warsaw Polytechnic Category:Lecturers of Warsaw University of Technology Category:1953 births

pl:Janusz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki ru:Януш Завила-Недзьвецкий

  1. ^ [2] Pełna treść książki udostępniona nieodpłatnie na wolnej licencji.