Hello and Welcome to Ryan's Wiki. I have a awesome Website! It is called chocheats.blogspot.com You are not aloud to Copy anything on this page or edit this Page but you can edit the Others.

This is a Wiki Contest! This Contest is called The Wiki Test! If you Know The Answers than E-mail Me!

Question Number 1 is - Does anyone knows Ryan's Website about Chobots ? Question Number 2 is - What was the Frist Club Penguin Pin ? Question Number 3 is - Name The Puffle Names of The Puffle Catelog Question Number 4 is - Why do they Call it Club Penguin ? Question Number 5 is - What does This Mean ? "IDK"

That is The Questions to The Contest. Once you have finsh with the Test Please E-mail Me. E-mail - ryandang@live.com If you are E-mail ME with the Answers to The Test. Here is What you Need to Do to E-mail Me.

Subject - Wiki Test Answer Mesage - Number 1 Answer is - ... After Once you are Done and you have Submit your Answer to Me. If you get all of them Right Then you get to be My Freind On Club Penguin! After the Winners are Aunnouced. Everyone will revive a E-mail of Everyone who tried the Test will recvie a E-mail From me and The Winners also.