
In a parallel universe to our own, the photon is a superhero that i made myself. He apart of a species known as an elemental; Elementals are space gods that have insane superpowers and are practically immortal and some of their powers are super speed, super strength a power of their own and sometimes light speed flight. The photon was found in a meteor that crashed into earth and was raised by humans. When he was discovered by the government his parents were assassinated and kidnapped by the secret service at the age of 12. He was tested on and was later found non anomalous. At the age of 15 during a school fight he discovered he has super strength as he uppercut the kid and made his head going flying to the atmosphere. He was but in a high security prison and that's when the government started doing more tests and they would bribe him money if he completed them. He became rich and got out of jail 8 months later when he was meant to have a life sentence. He was then trained to be a superhero by the government and fought their wars benefiting from him. At the age of 20 another elemental on earth was found know only as the immortal slayer. He landed onto earth to hunt the elementals down or to corrupt them. And because the photon was young and naive he was easily bribed with money and made his signature suit. He was supervillain. And then at the age of 25 yet another elemental was found who calls himself the electron. More powers the photon discovered as he was soon able to have the power of flight and super speed. He was then ordered to find and kill the electron. He went to the middle school and blasted the school with a newfound power, the photon beam. Only one survivor and it was the electron. Not only that but the electron managed to find a new power the electron shield. Full of compact electrons preventing anything even as small as the Planck length to get in. Then the photon realised that this was bad and asked the electron to help him kill the immortal hunter. Electron declined especially because he had just murdered a school with 1000 kids in it. Photon shrugged and gave him a phone number if he wanted to talk again. 2 days later electron find another power, super speed and he came over to photon asap. The 2 of them managed to overpower the immortal slayer beating him to a pulp. After that photon went by his original name of Ryan Hiro. He got married and had a child. 18 years later another hero discovered known as a xenonan who is a superman type hero but more inferior than an elemental. Then the government raided his house due to his amount of crimes to years prior shooting his wife and 2 of his kids but 1 got his elemental powers and flew away. He was put in a super high security jail with 24/7 guard watch using laser weapons. He broke out and destroyed the prison realising that he realised he released a kaiju that is 200 feet tall and 225 feet long. It broke out eating the people whilst spawning these car sized creatures from its back like a surinam toad. he followed it just to see it mauling sky scrapers and if HE wanted to regain he reputation He beat it up and froze it and gave it back and HE was all over the internet. He became famous and the xenonan who also goes by the Diamond not knowing his backstory became friends with the photon. He had fun for a while before then flying back to his headquarters to find the head of the secret service going back and He shot it out of the sky with my photon beam. He hated the secret service for killing his whole family. Then he found the Diamond who saw him kill him. He asked why but The photon just dodged the question. Then he told him it is none of your business its only personal. The diamond didn't like that and he told him why again. The photon got mad and told him to back off, then The diamond threw the first punch. The photon dodged it and hit the diamond which made him go flying into a field. He hit him even more so much that the diamond became so disfigured his jaw fell off and his chest completely busted open. The Electron arrived on scene with newfound powers and a suit that looked like an electric ninja he found the mangled body of the diamond and The photon with his fists covered in blood. Then he had a fight with the electron with them being equally powerful they had an even fight until the government sent the very kaiju to hunt and kill the photon. The electron heard this news before and went away from the scene. Then the photon was just kinda there before the kaiju popped infront of the photon. He had a massive fight with both sides being severly beaten up but photon managed to decapitate and burn the whole body of the kaiju. Then the last person the photon expected was, the immortal hunter revived now in a high tech mech suit with a respirator and stuff revived by unknown people. His armor was made out of an alloy that is made out of admantium, beskar and vibranium. Even more powerful than the photon they had an ultimate clash. They hit each other so hard making massive craters on earth eventually their fight went onto the moon. Then the immortal slayer grabbed the photons fist and started to crush it, As a reaction the photon threw his most powerful punch knocking the immortal slayer into mars. Not like a crater but he went through mars destroying it. Photon followed and then they started fighting on jupiters moon europa beating the the immortal slayer to a pulp underwater eventually punching him so much the metal started to bend so much rupturing the immortal slayers organs and killing him but the photon wasnt done yet. He grabbed the now barely alive immortal slayer going at the speed of light towards the sun as he grisp the body tighly and then on the surface of the sun and burning his body and with his now super burnt but slightly alive body he goes onto his 20 year old space ship and flies to his home with the immortal slayer almost dead with his body fully our of teh mech suit. He then goes to his home Xibr XII and flies throught the building using his mangled super beaten up body eventually destroys the planet then crushes the remains of the immortal slayer with his bare hands. nobody noes what happend to the photon next but his son became know as The Viper and became earths mighest hero. The end maybe I will edit this later lol