OrangeMan is part of the real world superhero duo of OrangeMan and BrightGuy. They have been seen throughout the western United States. They originated, as a twosome, at Dixie College in St. George, Utah and have been seen wandering towns in Utah, Oregon, and California. They are reportedly loved by the local citizens, tolerated by administration, and an annoyance to local civil servants. Their main abilities include being able to make people bend to their will in the name of fun. Their mission is to help the world realize that life doesn't always have to be so serious. The couple has a loyal cult following that seems to usually also unite with the Aquabats. They have formed a micronation, with over a hundred followers, called Rudetopia. References to Rudetopia and Rudetopians were found mentioned from the stage at ska and punk shows in Los Anegeles and Orange counties.
Talk has been heard of OrangeMan and BrightGuy in America and Brazil.
