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Notable Sith Characters


Darth Vader


Darth Vader was the first Sith Lord to appear to the general public, appearing in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. As a Jedi Knight, he was known as Anakin Skywalker and fought in the Clone Wars against the Sith Empire. He turned slowly to the Dark Side with the help of Darth Sidious. After killing Mace Windu, he swore allegiance to the Emperor and became his pupil. As the Galactic Empire continued to grow, Darth Vader became the Emperor’s enforcer and was put in command of the task to find the Rebel Alliance’s base. After the destruction of the Death Star, Vader was in charge of tracking the Rebel Alliance down and destroying their headquarters. However, the actions of Luke Skywalker, Vader’s son, eventually turned Vader against his master, resulting in both Darth Sidious and Darth Vader's death.[1]

Darth Sidious


Darth Sidious rose to power from a Senator of Naboo, to Supreme Chancellor, to self-proclaimed Emperor of the Galactic Empire. This was a cleverly orchestrated sequence of events done under his alternate identity, Palpatine, who gained respect in the Old Republic while secretly participating in Sith practices and planning an end to the Jedi Order. Darth Sidious' reign was in the time of the Rule of Two. He had three pupils, Darth Maul, Darth Tyranus and Darth Vader who eventually kills Darth Sidious at the end of Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi.[2]

Darth Maul


Unlike his master Darth Sidious, Darth Maul did not crave power to rule over the galaxy. He wanted nothing but revenge against the Jedi for their actions against him and his people on his home planet, Dathomir. With this in mind, Darth Maul reaches notable status as probably the most deadly warrior the Sith had ever created. Wielding a dual-bladed lightsaber in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Darth Maul reeks havoc for the Jedi Order and kills Obi-Wan Kenobi's master and friend, Qui-Gon Jinn before falling to Obi-Wan Kenobi in the same lightsaber battle.[3]

Darth Tyranus


Referred to more as Count Dooku in Episodes II and III of the Star Wars movies, Darth Tyranus is really only a notable Sith character because of his relationship with Darth Sidious and his role in the Clone Wars where he led the Separatist Alliance. Many Star Wars fans may argue that Count Dooku's lightsaber battle against three Jedi, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda in Episode II, is reason enough to put Dooku on this list.[4]

Darth Bane


In a time when Sith Lords were very few due to their near extinction by the Jedi Order, Darth Bane rose to lead the Sith and established the Rule of Two to replace the Brotherhood of Darkness. The Rule of Two stated that there must be two Sith Lords, one to embody the power of the Dark Side, and one to crave that power and eventually overthrow his master and adopt an apprentice of his own.[5]

Naga Sadow & Ludo Kressh


These two Sith Lords are best known for their hatred for one another. While attending the funeral of the former Dark Lord, Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh performed a dual to claim the title of Dark Lord for themselves. This resulted in a massive outbreak that led to the first interaction between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic since the separation of the Jedi and the Dark Jedi many years before. In the end, Naga Sadow killed Ludo Kressh, but was forced into isolation by the Galactic Republic.[6]

  1. ^ "Darth Vader". LucasFilm. Retrieved 22 November 2011.
  2. ^ "Darth Sidious". LucasFilm. Retrieved 22 November 2011.
  3. ^ "Darth Maul". LucasFilm. Retrieved 22 November 2011.
  4. ^ "Darth Tyranus/Count Dooku". LucasFilm. Retrieved 22 November 2011.
  5. ^ "Darth Bane". LucasFilm. Retrieved 22 November 2011.
  6. ^ "Naga Sadow/Ludo Kressh". HALL OF THE SITH LORDS. Retrieved 22 November 2011.