The Pearl Coats are a North American rock band. Officially starting in 2015 and operating through present . Their first single released in 2015 was entitled Thistle and was organ driven with electric guitar.

In autumn 2016 they entered lower Manhattan's Eastside Sound studio to record with sound engineer Duff Harris and owner Lou Holtzman. Laying down tracks with a full band sound and also featuring a local flutist named Roberta on some tracks.

With the 2017 release of the debut album The Pearl Coats and a growing popularity with the college radio roster, they have continually reached success nationwide. Digital worldwide releases and a social media presence have also contributed to popularity with DIY avertising. Looking forward, the two brothers from New Jersey are happy to be making music and holding to a sound that is uniquely their own. They say, " Really the only goal is for our music to reach the people who will enjoy it. That person who is going to be excited to put on our vinyl, or inspired to create something of their own . It has nothing to do with popularity. We have our own lives and music is just a part of us. You can't stop either part, you have to balance them."

The influences of the band are as diverse and obscure as The Pearl Coats themselves. The fact is the band has alot more time behind the scenes then in front. Yet, "The music has to be what matters." - says Kyle Robert Spear. "People may remember a great performance, and that is visually appealing, yet at the end of the day it's a musician's recordings that preserve their sound. Besides without a good album were not going to get anywhere. "

The two brothers get along just fine , yet at times Josh Spear says of his brother, "He can be a bit critical, sometimes dogmatic with his songs, but we usually argue a bit, and then we make it work. " Josh Spear being the lead guitarist and older brother, he isn't overly concerned with tantrums. It's all in good fun, and is just an extra-curricular activity for the two who our partners in a family business with their father. Cabinet making is what happens when they are not star studding the stage with their lavish rock n roll lifestyle.

Although the band officially started in 2015 , the brothers have been making music together since their teenage years. The idea of the band is just to solidify the past nothing more. We are releasing it to the public before old age sets in really. Some of our songs were written 10+ years ago. In the coming year we'll see what happens. We may fade out, burn out, or perhaps stay out. We're not exactly "in" to start with. Either way, "we made the music exist for the public before we gave it up. That's what we will say looking back at least. People are fortunate if they can have a career beyond their late 20's, 30's, and beyond. It's not agism whatsoever, but in this world rock n roll has always been for the young. After that, retirement for the most people.

The Pearl Coats time happens to be the 2010s through 2020s, if all works out. Listen for a song on the radio. Perhaps, they will be there.