Hi there! Everything below the line was generated from a .php script and a small table in MySQL. It is an automated process and takes about 3-4 minutes to perform the download (bulk of the time) from the special contributions page for the user, generate the stats and the two graphs. Of course, if Wikipedia is running slowly, this time may vary dramatically :-).

The stats should be pretty straight forward, but I'll explain the less obvious ones.

  • Days is the total number of days between "First Edit" and "Last Edit".
  • Active days count as any day that at least one edit has been made.
  • Avg edits/page is the same formula that Kate uses, I believe (because I keep getting the same answer as she does).
  • Avg edits/active days is the total number of edits divided by active days. True sense of effort put forth on days editing.
  • Avg edits/all days is the total number of edits divided by the total number of days referenced above.

On the chart, the blue bars represent total edits for that day, the blue line represents cumulative edits and the orange line represents a rolling average of edits per day.

Since the load on the server for this is no greater than paging through a user's list of contributions, it should not be an issue to turn this into a tool for anyone to use. It is obviously not as fast as "Kate's Tool" but I also wouldn't run this very often, either.

Any comments or suggestions are appreciated!

The follow statistics were generated for user RobyWayne at 17:44 on 07 October, 2005:


First edit Wednesday, 20 April, 2005
Last edit Friday, 07 October, 2005
Days 169
Active days 49
Total edits 4134
Avg edits/page 1.13
Avg edits/active day 84.37
Avg edits/all days 24.46
Edit summaries 4134 (100%) note: I am still fidgeting with this calculation

Top Ten Edit Days

  1. Tuesday, 27 September, 2005 with 442 edits.
  2. Monday, 26 September, 2005 with 363 edits.
  3. Thursday, 22 September, 2005 with 350 edits.
  4. Tuesday, 04 October, 2005 with 337 edits.
  5. Friday, 26 August, 2005 with 287 edits.
  6. Saturday, 24 September, 2005 with 248 edits.
  7. Sunday, 25 September, 2005 with 221 edits.
  8. Friday, 30 September, 2005 with 220 edits.
  9. Thursday, 08 September, 2005 with 218 edits.
  10. Thursday, 25 August, 2005 with 171 edits.

Top Ten Edited Pages

  1. User:RobyWayne with 29 edits.
  2. Wikipedia:Disambiguation pages with links with 21 edits.
  3. List of Kentucky State Highways with 14 edits.
  4. Template:RouteboxKY with 14 edits.
  5. Wikipedia:Disambiguation pages maintenance with 12 edits.
  6. Kentucky State Highway 55 with 9 edits.
  7. Wikipedia:WikiProject Kentucky State Highways with 8 edits.
  8. Wikipedia:User categorisation with 8 edits.
  9. WAVE-TV with 7 edits.
  10. User talk:Redwolf24 with 7 edits.

Periods without edits (over 7 days)

  • Wednesday, 20 April, 2005 through Thursday, 28 July, 2005, for 98 days
  • Tuesday, 09 August, 2005 through Thursday, 18 August, 2005, for 8 days



Edits by Namespace



Edits by Day
