Hey everyone my name is Robin Carson I'm a singer from Utah at the age of 21I got a recording deal And I'm living my dreams now :) I'm engaged got engaged at the justin Bieber concert On 1-5-13 before the concert We got floor seats I payed for them

Here is my bio:

I was born 

ABOUT Little bit about me 10:03PM Tueday May18,2010 10:04pm

When I was born,I was sick and i had to have many surgeries.I also had a brain bleed.I was born 4 months too early.I some times could not eat or breathe on my own My heart sometimes didnt beat fast enough.The doctors and nurses saved my life by using different medicines and machines. my mom first go to hold me when i was 2months old.I spent my first christmas in the hospital and didnot get to come home from the hospital until i was over 4months old. I went home from the hospital on January 29,1991 i weighted 4 pounds 10 ounces We lived in Renton,Washington Sometimes i was very sick and needed oxygen and breathing treatments I had to go back to the hospital a few times. Once i got sick ,I had to back into Intensive Care Unit. 15months to 2 years this was in 1992 When i was about one and a half years old I had gotten a bad cold and it turned out to be a virus called RSV.After that I got another infection and nearly died. I had to stay in the hospital for 17 days .Even tho I had walked before that,I had to relearn how to walk all over again.In the summertime, I was much healthier.

3 to 4 years this was in 1994

I took tap and ballet and three days after my fourth birthday my cousin Amy was born

4 to 5 years  this was in 1995
I got to go to Highlands Preschool  For  the Halloween  Party  I dressed u as Minni Mouse. 

5 to 6 years this was in 1996

I went to highlands preschool for the third year. In the spring of 1996 my dad got a new job in Virginia. Before we moved we took a trip to Disneyland. It was the first time i ever went on a airplane. When school was out that year we moved to Richmond,Virginia. I was excited to have a 2 story house.Because I had been healthily for a long time  we decided to get a cat.  My grandma Jorren sent us out one of her cats. Thats how we got Misty. I started Kindergarten  and Gordon Elementary. I got to ride the bus and my teachers name was Mrs. Storke 
6 to 7 years this was in 1997 
This time we lived in Richmond ,VA I took dance lessons I also got to ride the school bus with my sister.

©2010 EVERYTHING written by Robin


that is me yes i know i look tiny thats because i was :)  

my very first christmas santa was holding me