M1 Garand Rifle The M1 Garand Rifle is a 30. Caliber Semi-automatic Rifle made in America in 1936. This Rifle was used mainly used in WW2 about 5,400,000 were made. The M1 Garand Rifle was a very far range rifle in WW2 its effective range was over 500 yards which was about an average range for rifles. This rifle could weigh any were from 9.5 pounds to 13.2 pounds. Since it was a Semi-automatic Rifle its magazine had 8 30. Caliber bullets. This gun was Gas operated so the bullet would automatically go out of the gun. This Gun was not used a sniper rifle but it was more of a front line rifle that you would use because, this specific gun did not have a scope for a accessory but, several different bayonets and a Grenade Launcher. That is why this gun was so important to WW2.

D-Day The Normandy Landings or D-Day was one of the largest Airborne Drops in World War Two history and one of the most famous. The battle was lead mainly by Dwight D. Eisenhower. On the Allies side their was the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, the free part of France, and Norway. The battle started on June 6, 1944 when allied troops landed behind enemy lines. At the coast line tens of thousands of troops were brought in by LCPV boats (Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel). The main battles were on the coast lines that is also were the Allies took the greatest lost. The D-day invasion ended in an Allied victory with ten-thousand casualties on the Allied side and four-thousand to nine-thousand casualties on the German side. This was one of the most important invasions in WW2 history.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Dwight D. Eisenhower was born on October 14, 1890 and Died March 28 he was also the thirty-fourth president. Dwight Eisenhower started his war career on June 1942 were he did major battle strategies against the Germans and Japanese. He then became commander of the European Theater. Then in November of 1942 he became Supreme Commander Allied (Expeditionary) Force which was the North African Theater it was then renamed to The Mediterranean Theater. Over WW2 Eisenhower did major battles like the Assault on Coast of Normandy in June 1944 latter renamed Operation Overlord. He also over saw liberation of Western Europe and the invasion of Germany. The most famous battle Eisenhower was in was D-Day that took place on June 6, 1944. That is why Dwight D. Eisenhower is so important to WW2.