Cathy Cay: Life's in the Way!


Cathy Cay's Life

Cathy Cay is a sixteen-year-old girl who was born in Africa. She's a model! When she was real little, she wanted to be a scuba diver. The she was ten, she decided that a job as a writer would be better. After getting two articles in the African Times newspaper, she moved to America and opened her own coffee shop. Cathy Cay Coffee, it was called. Cathy had made $71.54 altogether. She wasn't sure that her buisness was good enough to keep running. But when Emily and her friend Abbe got cold, Cathy's life changed...forever. "Look! A coffee shop!" Emily shouted. "Yeah! let's go; I'm cold." said Abbe. The model-hunters saw Cathy. They told her about their fashion magazine, which at the time was called Fashion Passion and it was about a band called The Clique. Interested, Cathy asked more and more. Abbe and Emily chatted secretly for a second, and Emily said, "Cathy Cay, our mag has a major update now." "What?" asked Cathy. "We have a new model. Her name is Cathy Cay. Know her?" cathy wrote home to Africa about three years later. She was rolling in the dough now. She told her family all about the model-hunters and their magazine Cathy Cay: Life's in the Way! 'All about me!' she wrote. That's a true quote. Abbe wrote home to her family, saying, 'We are OK. We have a brand-new model! You can learn about her. Buy the magazine. Though.' That's anothewr quote! Emily wrote, 'Ha-ha James, you sniveling beast! I'm rich, guess what you're NOT!' "Maybe that was a little cruel," she admits.

The Magazine and Merchandise

Now Cathy was sixteen. Abbe and Emily wrote a whole page about her at Wikipedia and you're reading it. Well anyway, they put an exerpt from a magazine issue from 2007. Here it is! 'Before Cathy was our model, she owned a coffeehouse. She wasn't quite.. er.. successful. So we brought her to Fashion Passion, and changed the mag. Now that Cathy's with us, she sold her coffeehouse to a poor family. Now that they have a way to support themselves, they keep trying to pay Cathy even more. Modest and humble Cathy won't accept. Go, Cathy Cay!' Kind Cathy Cay gave the money to Emily and Abbe. The modest model-hunters said they'd only use it for the ink they used for the magazine and merchandise. Oh yeah! The mercandise! They have Cathy Cay coffee mugs, (figures) shirts, toys, music players, video games, and a website. Where is it? You're reading it, kinda...

Why Cathy Cay is Doing This

You may be wondering: Why is Cathy doing this for us? You know, I'm not sure there's a true reason for that. But I will tell you that Cathy is not a greedy pig (unlike SOMEONE at my school, naming no names. You know who you are!) and she gives away the excess money. Ok, except for a little. I mean honestly! If you were getting 10,000,000 a year, you wouldn't give it ALL away, and if you would, (which you wouldn't) you'd have to have a lot of guts! Well, anyway, Cathy decided to send the money to the family who bought the coffeehouse (above). They are recieving loads of money! But Cathy keeps some of it for herself.

Cathy Cay Today

Cathy Cay is still modeling. her impossible-to-get magazine and merchandise lie in the house of editor and model-hunter Emily. Abbe is her friend, of course, and they go to the same school. No! I'm not going to let you locate them because they don't want to give you any merchandise or a mag subscription. Even with the money from the coffeehouse, they don't have enough ink. Be glad you found this website! Cathy Cay wants to say something to you... let a rip, Cathy! Cathy Cay's I Have It Made Speech. 'I have it made. I grew up in Africa. My crazy parents put me in the area where elephants go beserk... How I lived I'll never know. I have it made. I was found right before Cathy Cay Coffee went bankrupt. I'm rich, I'm famous... All I can say is... I have it made.' Do you feel any power from Cathy's speech? Abbe and Emily did.

Cathy Cay says:

Cathy Cay says: 'When I was put in the magazine, I was astonded, but not sure about anything, wondering if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Then they changed the mag all about me! I was all about talked about! Emily made a website about me (you're here) and Abbe certainly helped!'

Emily says:

Emily says: 'When Abbe and I made Cathy's magazine, we were very happy. we had helped her, and so many people could read her magazine and learn all about her! We knew it would be great, and, uh, it is!'

Abbe says:

Abbe says: 'The site, the magazine, the merchandise... we needed it. We got it. And, agreeing with Cathy, we all have it made. Not just Cathy. All of us.'

Thank you for coming to view our official Cathy Cay webpage! We'll be making updates all the time, so don't worry. A few pics of cathy might squeeze their way in at one point, but first we'll have to work on trying to fiqure out how to do that. If you know, post on the disscussion page how to do it, though we think we have an idea really. Thank you and remember to keep checking back for updates!


Abbe would like me to type a bit about her little sister Ry. Her real name is RiAnne (did I spell that right, Abbe?) and she is 4 years old. She is quite annoying, Abbe says. She is blond and is pretty, but Abbe thinks she's annoying. Ri has nothing to do with Cathy Cay and she will never be informed about the secret.


Emily's seventeen-year-old older brother has a lifelong dream of becoming a rich boy and living the "easy" life. Emily loves rubbing in his face how lucky she is, and her wealth kills him sometimes.

Thanks for Being Patient! All of our adoring fans out there have been waiting so patiently, Abbe! Let's give them a treat! Every Saturday, I go skating and sometimes Abbe comes. Well last time we met this girl name Abbigail. We nick- named her Butterdork because she's a dork in a butterfly jacket. Every time we go from then on, we ditch her. She calls herself a Speed Skater, but she can't catch up to us. And we're NOT Speed Skaters! I'm a Speed Rollerblader, but Abbe... uh.. Heh heh... lol. (laugh out loud) New updates! Everyday we will put in stuff that people send to us. Like stories and letters answered by none other than Cathy Cay herself! Email her here!

Okay, I have to say THANKS to our sponsers! our caring sponsers are: BILL! Anyway, thanks SO much for coming to this page! Tell EVERYBODY you know and give them directions to this fun and exciting page. If they don't have access to our page, send them this link above in an email or... You know, there's not really many ways to get your friends online... Uh, just DO it. Please... Thanks! Also, fan mail will be accepted at my e-mail address. I don't want to type it. FAN MAIL ONLY PLEASE! Any spam mail will be reported and delted. Anyone asking for personal information will also be delted and blocked.

Letters To Us: We've Got Mail!

I'm a Goofy Goober yeah, you're a Goofy Goober yeah, we're all Goofy Goobers yeah, Goofy Goofy Goofy Goober YEAH! let's go Cathy Cay! - Katie M., Michigan

Let's party till we're purple! Gah, I love being purple! Let's celebrate for Cathy Cay! - George P., Calfornia

I like Cathy Cay! - Ricky G., Georgia

Q & A About Cathy Cay!

Where there elephants where you lived in Africia? Were you able to be friends with them? I'm doing a report about elephant taming, so I need to know. - George John S., Austrailia

Yes, there were! I could only tame seven, and I raised them as babies because their parents and been killed by poachers. I hope this helps for your report, George! - Cathy Cay :)

To Cathy! How did you feel when you made your 'I Have it Made' speech? - Micheal M. & Cara J., Oregon via Email

I felt nervous at first. Everyone was expecting me to say something great and put them in awe. I blew my whole speech by forgett- ing it! Yikes! That was sticky... But then I said 'hi' and a whole new one came to me! So I said it and I guess people liked it. Hope this helps! - Cathy Cay :)

Cathy, do you like to skate? - Abby G., Washington State via Email

Yes, Abby! I'm a speed skater, and, unlike Butterdork (above), I can catch up to Emily and Abbe. Actually, sometimes I'm faster! - Cathy Cay :)

To Cathy, Who is nicer, Emily or Abbe? Why? - Avril K., New York

Avril, that's a toughie! You know, I don't think either one of them is nicer, really. They're both really good girls, but Emily asked Abbe to come to my coffeeshop, and if she hadn't, this wouldn't be happening. But Abbe agreed, so they're both equally responsible. Plus, they are both really nice girls and they are funny and cool to be around. Later, Avril! Cathy's signing out! - Cathy Cay :)

Submitted Stories

Just a few stories from our fans!!!

Cathy Cay & Radar

Cathy looked around. "Radar?" she called. "Radar!" A rustle in the nearby bush told Cathy that Radar was coming. Radar was a four-year-old with grayish skin and black eyes. Radar was an African Elephant. "Radar!" Cathy screamed happily, hugging the baby elephant. Laura, her friend, came along and said, "Heyo, Radar," and gave her a pat. "Hey, Laura?" "Yeah?" "If I ever leave Africa, will you watch Radar?" This was a serious question. Cathy's mom and dad wanted to leave Africa so Cathy would stop playing with wild animals. Cathy really loved animals, and hated to think that she would be leaving Radar behind. "Of course," Laura said. "Cross my heart, Radar will always be happy." Cathy smiled. "Bye, Radar! See you tomorrow!" the girls said, running off home for dinner.

The Little Coffee Shop

Cathy Cay's stomach growled. She hoped that she would get another two hundred dollars todays so she could go to the supermarket. "Hey," said a voice of a ten year old girl, "Look here!" This was Emily. "Emily..." breathed Cathy. Emily was a model-hunter. "Hello Emily may I intrest you in some coffee? And you too Abbe?" "Yes," said the girls politely even though they hates the taste of coffee. They gave her two hundred dollars, even though they only owed her ten. "Thank you..." Cathy said breathlessly. "Hey, Cathy Cay?" Abbe said, "do you want to be in our magazone Fashion Passion?" Cathy grinned and said yeah. Soon after this, the magazine was changed to Cathy Cay: Life's in The Way! and Cathy cay sold her coffeehouse to James McBach of Ireland. The money also went to McBach. Cathy was content.

The Washington Monument

Cathy Cay visited Washington D.C. at two years old, but something haunts her second trip. What?

Cathy looked around. George Washington? What importance was he now? When she visited Washington D.C., Cathy learned many a great things about Abe Lincoln... but hated, absolutley hated, George Washington.

"Mt. Rushmore," Emily said, "can teach you of more presidents that don't stink as you say Washington is. But she don't, girl!"

"Washington ain't cool, alright?" Cathy said. "Now, come on. We're not here to sight-see, I have a speech to make."

Abbe asked Emily, "Let's research," "Yeah," Emily said. "Let's go to work!"

After researching tediously for three hours, the girls found that Cathy's mother had died... on the Washington Monument! "Hmmm..." Abbe said. "That's why Cathy hates George Washington!"

After confronting Cathy, Cathy told them that it was true. Her father had fallen after climbing Mt. Rushmore, so she didn't like that place either.

The model-hunters promised her a leave as soon as the speech was over... and cathy accepted.