Primary sources

  • Cordier, Mary Hurlbut, ed. Schoolwomen of the Prairies and Plains: Personal Narratives from Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska, 1860s-1920s (U of New Mexico Press, 1992).
  • Hoffman, Nancy, ed. Woman's 'true' profession: Voices from the history of teaching (2nd ed. Harvard Education Press, 2003) online of 1st edition; long excerpts from 28 primary sources, 1830s to 1940s.
    • Skakeshaft, Charol. Teaching Guide to Accompany Woman's 'true' Profession: Voices from the History of Teaching (1981) online


  • Altenbaugh, Richard, ed. The teacher's voice: A social history of teaching in 20th century America (Routledge, 2005) online.
  • Apple, Michael W. Teachers and texts: A political economy of class and gender relations in education (Routledge, 2021).
  • Elsbree, Willard S. The American teacher: Evolution of a profession in a democracy (1939; reprint 1970).
  • Farnham, Christie. The education of the southern belle: Higher education and student socialization in the antebellum south (NYU Press, 1994) online.
  • Gordon, Lynn D. Gender and Higher Education in the Progressive Era (1990)
  • Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz. Campus Life: Undergraduate Cultures from the End of the Eighteenth Century to the Present (1987) online review

  • Melder, Keith E. "Woman's high calling: The teaching profession in America, 1830-1860." American Studies 13.2 (1972): 19-32. online
  • Ogren, Christine A. "‘Precocious knowledge of everything’: New interpretations of women’s higher schooling in the US in the late‐18th and early‐19th centuries." Journal of curriculum studies 39.4 (2007): 491-502.
  • Ogren, Christine A. "Where coeds were coeducated: Normal schools in Wisconsin, 1870–1920." History of Education Quarterly 35.1 (1995): 1-26.
  • Ogren, Christine. The American state normal school: An instrument of great good (Springer, 2005) online.
  • Pieroth, Doris Hinson. Seattle's women teachers of the interwar years: Shapers of a livable city (U of Washington Press, 2012). online
  • Solomon, Barbara Miller. In the Company of Educated Women: A History of Women and Higher Education in America (1985)
  • Spencer, Dee Ann. "Teaching as women’s work." International handbook of teachers and teaching (Springer Netherlands, 1997). 153-198; world perspective.
  • Underwood, Kathleen. "The pace of their own lives: Teacher training and the life course of western women." Pacific Historical Review 55.4 (1986): 513-530. online
  • Weiler, Kathleen. "Women's history and the history of women teachers." Journal of Education 171.3 (1989): 9-30.