Rose Ivy Poirier

Rose Ivy Poirier

Rose (born September 14) currently resides in Los Angeles and teaches Therapeutic Horsemanship to people with both physical challenges as well as mental challenges. Prior to this, Rose was the Webmaster for Center Theatre Group. Center Theatre Group is one of the USA’s leading arts and cultural organizations, and Los Angeles’ preeminent non-profit theatre company.

Personal Background

Rose was born in Paris, France. She has lived in London, UK for few years and has been living in Los Angeles, California for many years. Rose has a production background in movies and television and worked for Cannon Films, Paramount Studios, Universal Studios and Aaron Spelling Entertainment. Rose worked as an Information Systems Helpdesk at Saban Entertainment and has a worked as a web-designer for several years. Rose specializes in design and layout, graphics and video editing and is a huge theatre fan.

Please email me if you have any questions.

This user... and...
lives in Los Angeles, California is an American Citizen
is a computer geek would like to be a better surfer
loves Hawaii hangs out in Malibu, California
loves roller skating loves horses
loves cooking loves traveling