Hi, I'm a Year 24 years old and a student who attends his local college. I have developmental dyspraxia but I'm dealing with it. Yes, I'm friendly, easy-going and gets on well with my friends and family member. I'm extremely positive, skilled and competent with computers and is knowledgeable about anything to do with digital technology. Change to a large secondary school has been difficult for me. I become disoriented at school and strives to choose the most direct route to his next class. I also find it difficult to remember my weekly timetable, so I often arrive at the wrong class or arrives late to class, which frustrates his teachers. My teachers say I often haven’t got the correct books or equipment with him or have lost work from the previous lesson. I do not enjoy subjects that require a lot of writing. It also finds handwriting takes too much consistency and coordination. I often get frustrated that can’t keep up with the class when working on a written task, so I get annoyed and angry with those around me. While enjoys science, I get embarrassed handling the lab equipment and have broken a number of things by dropping them. I find co-ordinating both sitting on the high stools in the science lab and handling lab equipment even more difficult.