CJ (Comic Book Character)

CJ is a character in a graphic novel created by Karen and Julie Olson. In the one-shot CJ Has Diabetes, CJ finds out he has Type-1 diabetes and meets his Diabetes care team.

CJ was introduced as a character kids and teens could relate to about their recent diagnosis of Diabetes. He represents the average concerned kid and relates most of his health issues with his degree of physical activity he can undertake. While adult patients would focus on their internal situation, CJ's concerns, representing the thought process of an adolescent, are more on his ability to do what he could physically do before.

On the first page, CJ reveals that he lives with his older sister Jennnie, his younger brother Cooper, and his dog Bunker. This is significant because Cooper and Bunker were characters of a set of medical books specifically created to cater to a young child's point of view of four different medical issues: getting a cast, having an x-ray taken, finding out they have diabetes, and having a CT scan. Currently, CJ has not been branched out of the diabetes focus presented in this one-shot.