Johannes Lähnemann (born June 15 1941 in Schellerten near Hildesheim) is a German evangelical theologian and religious educator.


Life and Career


Johannes Lähnemann studied Protestant theology in Bethel , Heidelberg, Vienna and Münster and passed his 1st and 2nd theological exams in 1965/1969. In 1967 he married Susanne Lähnemann, née Dörner (1942–2004), daughter of Friedrich Karl Dörner and Eleonore Dörner . His eldest daughter Henrike Lähnemann is a medievalist at the University of Oxford. He received his doctorate in 1968 at the University of Münster in the New Testament under Willi Marxsen with a thesis on Colossians and was a research assistant in Münster from 1968 to 1973. From 1973 to 1980 he was an academic councilor or senior councilor at the Lüneburg University of Education . During his time there, he habilitated in 1977 in practical theology/religious education in Bern with a thesis on world religions in class. In 1981 he received the chair for religious education and didactics of Protestant religious education at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg , which he held until his retirement in 2007. In 2008 he married Sabine Lähnemann, née Schulz-Pillgram. He has lived in Goslar since 2010 .

Lähnemann's work and research focuses on world religions in the classroom, interreligious learning as well as religions and peace education. In Nuremberg, together with his colleague Werner Haußmann, he initiated the Nuremberg forums for education for cultural encounters, in which theologians, religious scholars, educators, but also politicians and cultural workers were brought together (Link: nuernberger-forum/ ). They took place every three years and were continued after his retirement together with his successor Manfred Pirner . Together with Hans Küng, he built up the educational work of the Global Ethic Foundation /Tübingen. With his colleagues Hartmut Bobzin and Mathias Rohe , he founded the Interdisciplinary Center for Islamic Religious Education, one of the first German training centers for Islamic religious education teachers. Together with Klaus Hock and Wolfram Reiss, he carried out the research project "The Representation of Christianity in School Books in Islamic Countries". In 2008 he received the Federal Cross of Merit and the Chelebi Peace Prize for services to Christian-Islamic dialogue.

Lähnemann acts as a consultant and expert on questions of interreligious dialogue and interreligious education on a national and international level. From 1999-2019 he was chairman of the Peace Education Standing Commission (PESC ) of Religions for Peace (RfP), which documented and exchanged interreligious peace education projects ( ), as well as a board member of the German section of Religions for Peace (RfP). He founded the Nuremberg Group of Religions for Peace in 1988 and chaired it until 2023. He is Deputy Chair of the Round Table of Religions in Germany ( and a member of the Standing Commission Interreligious Education set up in 2020 by Religions for Peace International.



·       2008: Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany

·       2008 : Muhammad Nafi Chelebi Prize

·       2013: Höffmann Science Prize for Intercultural Competence from the University of Vechta

·       2014: INTRA Project Prize for Complementarity of Religions

Publications (in selection)

  • Interreligiöse Verständigung und Bildung 1980–2020. Eine Bilanz im Spiegel der Nürnberger Foren zur Kulturbegegnung. (Interreligious Understanding and Education 1980-2020. A balance in the mirror of the Nuremberg forums for cultural encounters). Berlin 2021
  • Begegnung - Verständigung - Kooperation. Interreligiöse Arbeit vor Ort - Erfahrungen und Perspektiven aus Nürnberg. (Encounter - understanding - cooperation. Interreligious work on site - experiences and perspectives from Nuremberg). Göttingen 2020
  • Public Theology - Perspectives on Religion and Education (ed. together with Manfred Pirner, Werner Haußmann and Susanne Schwarz). New York/London 2019
  • Public Theology, Religious Diversity, and Interreligious Learning. Contributing to the Common Good Through Religious Education (ed. together with Manfred Pirner , Werner Haußmann and Susanne Schwarz). New York/London 2018
  • Lernen in der Begegnung. Ein Leben auf dem Weg zur Interreligiosität. (Learning in encounter. A Life on the Way to Interreligiousness – Autobiography). Göttingen 2017
  • Human Rights and Religion in Educational Contexts (edited together with Manfred Pirner and Heiner Bielefeldt). Switzerland (Springer) 2016
  • Spiritualität. Multireligiös. Begegnung der Religionen in Gebeten, Besinnungen, Liedern. (Spirituality. multi-religious. Meeting of religions in prayers, reflections, songs - together with the Nuremberg group of religions for peace). Berlin 2014
  • Media Power and Religions. The Challenge Facing Intercultural Dialogue and Learning (ed. together with Manfred Pirner). Frankfurt/M. 2013
  • Ich singe dir mit Herz und Mund (Liedpredigten, Bd. 2. (I sing to you with heart and mouth – song sermons, vol. 2.) Nuremberg 2009
  • Interreligious and Values Education in Europe. Münster 2008, with P. Schreiner
  • Dein Glaube - mein Glaube (Your belief - my belief). Göttingen 2005, with W. Haussmann
  • Spiritualität und ethische Erziehung. (Spirituality and Ethical Education). Hamburg 2000
  • Evangelische Religionspädagogik in interreligiöser Perspektive. (Protestant religious education from an interreligious perspective). Göttingen 1998
  • Das Projekt Weltethos in der Erziehung. (The global ethos project in education) Hamburg 1995
  • Das Wiedererwachen der Religionen als pädagogische Herausforderung. (The reawakening of religions as a pedagogical challenge) Hamburg 1992
  • Weltreligionen und Friedenserziehung. Wege zur Toleranz. (World Religions and Peace Education. ways to tolerance) Hamburg 1989
  • Weltreligionen im Unterricht, Teil 1: Fernöstliche Religionen; Teil 2: Islam. (World Religions in the Classroom, Part 1: Far Eastern Religions; Part 2: Islam) Göttingen 1986
  • Kulturbegegnung in Schule und Studium. (Cultural encounters in school and university) Hamburg 1983
  • Studienbuch „Jesus Christus“, Frankfurt/Main 1980 (3. Aufl. 1989) mit Ursula Hahlbohm. (Study book "Jesus Christ", Frankfurt/Main 1980 - 3rd edition 1989 - with Ursula Hahlbohm). Frankfurt/Main 1980
  • Nichtchristliche Religionen im Unterricht. Schwerpunkt: Islam, (Non-Christian religions in the classroom. Focus: Islam) Gütersloh 1977
  • Der Philemonbrief. (The Epistle to Philemon) – Gütersloh 1973 (with Günter Böhm)
  • Der Kolosserbrief. Komposition, Situation und Argumentation. (The Epistle to the Colossians. Composition, situation and argumentation) Gütersloh 1971
  • Editor of the series "Pedagogical Contributions to Cultural Encounters" (32 volumes)

commemorative publications


W. Haußmann/ Hj . Biener/K. Hock/R. Mokrosch (ed.): Handbuch Friedenserziehung. interreligiös – interkulturell – interkonfessionell. (Handbook for Peace Education. interreligious – intercultural – interdenominational. Determination for Johannes Lähnemann) Gutersloh 2006.

M. Pirner, W. Haußmann (ed.): Lieder sind Lebensbegleiter. Liedbesinnungen .Songs are life companions. Song Reflections . Berlin 2018.