

DONALD NIELD, ARTIST (1924 - 1984)

DONALD NIELD was a 20th century painter noted for his oils on canvas, which convey a sense of mystery, fantasy and emotion. Born in Shanghai, China in 1924, his early education was spent in London, Canada and China. His mother, upon being widowed remarried an American. In 1933 they emigrated to the U.S. where they settled in northern Michigan. During the Depression he worked in artists’ studios in Detroit. Exempted from World War II because of weak lungs he worked in war plants and on war posters and attended free classes at the University of Ann Arbor. [1] In the early fifties he settled in New York City and studied anatomy, perspective and life drawing at the Art Students League, Washington Irving adult classes and Greenwich House. In the early sixties during the revival of ship construction he was commissioned to paint pictures for the U.S. Navy, most notably the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk and U.S.S. Constellation. [2] (link: In 2010 two paintings of the Wright Brothers which had been commissioned by the U.S. Navy were presented to the North Carolina Historical Museum in Raleigh, NC. (link: During the seventies Nield did extensive studies in the methods of the old masters, rejecting modern art in favor of using the symbols and forms of classical nature. His works are in public and private collections. Nield died in New York in 1984. His ashes are interred in the Woodstock Artists Cemetery in Woodstock, New York. For more information on this artist: (links: and [3].

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  1. ^ The Life and Art of Donald Nield, (link:
  2. ^ Longgood, William, "The Off Limelighters" article, New York World Telegram and Sun, January 15,1962.
  3. ^ Donald Nield 1974 oral history, immigration and naturalization documents, Ancestry, Prof. Robert Bickers, Bristol University and Chinese Maritime Customs Project