Revan Filiaexdeus (born Evanston, IL 1994 - ) is an activist, traveler, and writer based out of Jackson County, Missouri. He is very passionate about freedom of information and accessible self-education for all people.



He built the Department of Spirituality and Religion for The Hampton Institute and published several papers there. Additionally, he has ghostwritten academic work for several college professors and has a co-author credit on ABCs to Bully Prevention by Mark Johnson.

In 2016, he founded the Zion Free Media publishing company operating out of Jackson County, Missouri. In 2018 it expanded into the Zion Discourse think tank.



He is a registered independent and holds minarchist, anarchist, communalist, and voluntaryist sympathies.

Personal Life


Revan is a convert to and member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He discovered hard proof of long suspected Jewish ancestry through genealogical work in 2016 and is proud of his Jewish ancestry. He resides in Jackson County, Missouri.



Eugenio Maggi: One of his descendants is a member of Revan's think tank.