
Sleep Psychology is a transdisciplinary field of psychology that focuses on advancement of sleep science through psychological methods and perspectives.

History of Sleep Psychology


Historical Literature

  • Epic of Gilgamesh
    • Babylonian text, transcribed from tablets
    • Sleep Valuation: how people value sleep
    • Wishes he slept more once he found he was mortal
    • Concur sleep? -> we can concur mortality
    • Didn’t do it
    • Sleep discrepancy: people are unaware that they slept, can’t trust self-reporting

Ancient Greece

  • Plato: student of socrates, rationalist
    • Protagerous (dialogue)
      • “Are you awake or are you asleep?”
      • Sleep: approaches death, ultimately the goal
      • Sleep was an access to the platonic realm (true knowledge)
    • Good sleep was reserved for the righteous
  • Aristotle
    • Happiness, imperists, the best state is the mean state
    • Sleep was an oppressive state, sleep was a consequence of being too busy in the day
    • You cannot be happy in sleep
    • What are the mechanisms/emotions/ functions/harmfulness of sleep

Enlightenment Philosophy

  • Modern Sleep Psychology
    • Where does sleep fit in the philosophy of mind?
      • Descartes
        • Cartesian dualism
        • “I think therefore, I am”
        • Consciousness retreats towards the mind realm during sleep
      • John Locke
        • Consciousness leaves when you go to sleep
        • Common sense
        • No dreams? -> no consciousness
      • Liebnitz
        • Unconscious processes occur
    • Phrenologist: riding bike in a dream, more active in that part of the brain (AKA bogus)
      • Brain circuitry during sleep?
    • Sense perception doesn’t change during different levels of sleep

Modern Sleep Psychology

  • How to test claims
    • fMRI and PSG
  • Vundt
    • Sleep psychology didn’t come up because of lack of evidence
    • Sleep is a psychological problem
  • Current Sleep Psychologists
    • Phd vs Md
    • Get the short end of the stick
    • Progressive relaxation was taken by mds and CBT for sleep
    • Imperialism is the main enemy
  • 3 Major Factors of the definition of sleep
    • REM-Sleep
    • Consciousness
    • Arousal
    • Non-REM
  • Sleep:
    • sleep drives are different
    • 1990s -> aroused = awake, not aroused = not awake = not true!
  • Consciousness:
    • consciousness awareness + conscious while you’re sleeping
    • information processing
  • What is sleep psychology?
    • Sleep psychology = Psychological science + sleep science
    • Transdisciplinary
    • Advances sleep science through psychological methods and perspectives
    • Use sleep science methods to answer psychological questions
    • Consciousness

Important Topics in Sleep Psychology


Future of Sleep Psychology
