Dr Donald Jayasinghe Palliative Care Foundation

The Dr Donald Jayasinghe Palliative Care Foundation was established in 2016 to honor the work of the distinguished Sri Lankan physician Dr Donald Mahinda De Silva Jayasinghe. The Foundation based at 6 Parakum mawatha Jayanthipura, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka provides modern palliative care facilities for poor and underpriviledge people suffering from terminal disease. As a charitable organisation the foundation provides all services including meals, board, nursing and other support facilities free of charge.

Dr. Donald Mahinda De Silva Jayasinghe MBBS MRCP. Born 02 of February 1939 - Died 09 of August 2016. Dr. Donald Jayasinghe was a distinguished physician who worked in Sri Lanka. He was the son of a station master Vinny Jayasinghe and an old boy of St. Thomas college. He went on to read Medicine at Peradeniya University in Sri Lanka and was the second batch to do so there. He worked as a consultant physician for over 4 decades dedicating his life to helping the poor and under priviledge in Sri Lanka. In the 7th decade of his life he developed advanced hormone resistant prostate cancer and died as a result of complications of this disease. He and his family bequeathed a sum of money to establish the palliative care foundation to care economically under privileged terminally ill patients to make the end of life journey as peaceful and pain free as possible.